Chapter 26

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I clear my throat, the sight infront of me wanting me to throw up and curl up into a ball and hide.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your intimate moment, but Monique wants everyone outside to start the swim competition." I say and without a reply, I turn around before any of them see the tears in my eyes.

I can't believe this. He comes this close, this close to kissing me and then goes in for another girl? How dare he?! How dare he play with my feelings?! This is why I'm so closed off, because I don't think anyone can treat me like Ron did.

Sure, I hate that I'm living on the fact that we once had something and I find it difficult to move on, but if this is how I'm going to get treated then I might as well go and be a Roman Sister and dedicate my whole life to serving God, at least I know God is faithful and he won't leave me heartbroken, which is quite the opposite of Jason and maybe any other guy out there, because the last thing I want is for my heart to get broken.

As if it hasn't already; my subconscious comments.

It has, but this will be the last.

[Jason's POV]:

The thought of seeing Dakota in a bikini makes me excited, she's not the one to hide herself or her body, so far for what I've come to realise, she's really proud of who she is, and I think that's how every girl should be. You don't have to twist or morph yourself into shapes and sizes just to be accepted by the outside world, if people can't accept you the way you are then they certainly do not deserve you.

I reminisce the encounter I had with her in the bedroom, seeing me half naked and remembering her reaction makes me laugh. An innocent little vixen.

I head to the kitchen and see Sam and Avery having a conversation.

"Hey bro, how's your girl?" He asks, putting a hold on his conversation with Sam and turning to look at me.

"Perfect, and can you stop referring to her as "Your girl" when talking to me as though you helped me mark her as mine?"

"I wouldn't dare. As if you'd let me touch her" he says and I chuckle, "I won't even let you think about it, least you lay a finger on her skin"

"Atta boy!" He laughs and I shake my head at his childish antics.

My eyes dart to Sam giving me a weird stare and I avert my gaze. Monique always told me she is into me, but I never took her seriously because to me she's just a friend and can't be anything more, but by the looks she's giving me, I'm starting to believe it.

"Going out before Monica kills me" he says and as he's about to make a dash for the door, I stop him

"We all call her Monique, why do you insist on calling her Monica when you know the reason behind she not wanting the name?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously

"Maybe I'm special" he shrugs, before walking away before I can protest.

I shake my head at his retreating figure and give a small smile. He's something.

"You have a beautiful smile" Sam comments. I didn't know she was still here.

"Excuse me?"

"I said you have a beautiful smile"

"Well... thanks?" I reply, not knowing how to respond to that.

"You love her don't you?"

"Sorry what?"

Why is she confusing me? I can't seem to keep up with her weird swerve of conversation.

"I said you love her, your bestfriend" she states this time, not questioning, saying the last word like it's a bad thing.

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