Bonus Chapter

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7 years later

"Mummy!" My five year old daughter, Jessica squeals as she hurries into the kitchen to hide behind my legs and soon her father comes in

"Mummy, daddy is chasing me" she says between giggles

"Is that so?" I ask with a grin on my face

"I just said that mummy" she says and her father bursts out laughing. Five year old smartass

"Okay Jess. Daddy, why are you chasing Jess?" I ask Jason

"Well it's Christmas and she doesn't want to show me my gift"

"Daddy I told you to have patience" she says to her father. How she can talk perfectly with just little mistakes sometimes at the age of five beats me.

"What present are you giving mummy?" She asks him

"I'm sure mummy wouldn't mind a mistletoe" he says and I stare at him wide eyed. Is he mad?

"Daddy what's a mistletoe?" She asks and he now realises what a mistake he has made. He looks at me, as if begging with his eyes for my help and I smirk

"Good luck explaining to your daughter what a mistletoe is" I say and wink. I continue with my baking of various assortment of cookies as I hear him in the hallway trying to explain what a mistletoe is. If he lies to my baby I swear I'll kill him

"Ummm.... is you know, ummm, a gift that umm, elderly people give to each other on Christmas" he says

"What gift daddy?" She asks, curious little angel

"Just a gift. Don't think too much. Who wants to build a snow man?" He asks, diverting the topic

"Me! Me! Me!" She squeals and they run out the door.

I place the last cookie on the tray as my phone rings and a twelve year old Natalie's voice booms through my phone

"Hey Kita" she chirps. She always called me Dakita as a little girl, and she shortened it when she became an adolescent. Funny, I know.

"Hey Lena" I call her, she loved it when I called her like that during childhood, but twelve year olds of today who use iPhones, no way. She hates to hear the name.

"Ughhh... stop calling me that" I said it

"Are you guys still coming over?" I ask

"Of course! Who's going to miss a barbeque party?" She says and I laugh

"Well I'll be expecting you" I say and we exchange our goodbyes.

I make my way outside to call those two trouble makers, who end up smearing snow everywhere, giving me more than enough work to do, which Jason will end up doing. Definitely!

"Mummy what dress I'm I wearing?" Jessie asks, something she does everyday. If her clothes were only five, she wouldn't ask that question, but since Jay has turned himself into an everyday Santa, she now has a home made Gucci and Macy's. He spoils her rotten. And he plans to do just that to any other child of ours that comes along.
I shake my head and smile at my bundle of joy and walk to her gigantic closet that takes up most of her cute little bedroom and pull a red stripped off the shoulder dress for her. I pull her hair in a two half up bun and half down style. She chooses a lace tie up sandals and matches it

"Do I look pretty mummy?" She asks, standing infront of her mirror

"You look adorable darling. The most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on" I tell her

"Mommy why aren't we white?" She asks and immediately a tear rolls down my cheek. I don't know what is wrong with me these days. My hormones are all over the place

"Baby, let me tell you something, we aren't white because that's how we were made. Black. Bold. Beautiful. Different. Unique. Talented. I can go on and on and on and on baby. When you are black you're special, you stand out in the crowd. You're spotted among trillions, and to me, there's nothing more amazing. Okay?"

"Okay mommy. But my friends make fun of me" she says with the cutest pout I've ever seen

"That is because they're jealous of how special you are. Never wake you up and wish you were white sweetheart. Be confident, if not, you're gonna lose yourself. And mummy doesn't want that" I say and hug her as she wraps her little arms around my neck

Jason Roberts POV

As I watch her talking to our daughter, I love her even more. My heart swells with so much emotion that I can't even begin to fathom if it's possible to love her more than I already do. Just the mention of her name makes my heart beat accelerates, even when I don't talk to her and I'm in a room with her and I can feel her presence that's enough for me. God, I'm in too deep. I love her too much. When she's not around, I grow restless. We've been together through thick and thin, we've had our ups and downs. Our love is one of a kind. We fight, which couple doesn't? Sometimes she gets angry to the extent she ignores me, which I secretly find amusing. Only her stare makes goosebumps erupt on my whole body, makes me alive, and without her, I sure as hell won't last.

"That was a beautiful speech you gave to Jessie in there" I tell her when she emerges and I pull her into my embraces

"Yeah. Got me all emotional" she chuckles, the sound a sweet melody to my ears. Like the song of a mockingbird

"What's the time?" I ask

"12:47pm. Why?" She asks, her eyebrows pulling together, a sheer sign of confusion, making her look so adorable

"Because I've missed you and I want you all to myself" I tell her, opening our bedroom door

"You've always had me all to yourself" she giggles when I twirl her around and she lands in my chest

"Jessie takes up most of your time" I  say, faking annoyance, and when she raises a brow at me, I know she's spotted that I'm lying. Hell, her future boyfriend won't even love her the way I do. Just when she's about to say something, I beat her to it and attach my lips to hers.

Dakota Roberts POV
After showering, here I'm standing, facing the same problem as my Jessie

"Don't know what to wear?" Jason comes from behind me, wrapping his arms around my naked waist, kissing the back of my neck. Memories of what we did this afternoon rushing back, making the blood in my veins flow rapidly, goosebumps coming all over. How he knew I needed just that, I have no idea. But all I know is that I'm in love.

"Sort of" I say

"Why don't you wear this? It's Christmas afterall" he says, picking out a red dress from the closet

"Thanks. I'll wear just that" I say and peck his lips, as we both get ready.

"You look hot señorita" Jason says and I peck him, thanking him

We make our way downstairs, everyone already there.

"Hey fam" I greet my mom and dad

"How are you darling?" Dad asks

"I'm fine dad" I say to him as all his attention is on Jessie in seconds. Ever since she came around, she's now my dad's favourite

"Faye! Lena" I chirp, pulling them into hugs

"Is that a hickey I'm seeing?" They both say, almost too loudly and I chuckle, leaving them to it. I make my way into the kitchen to get snacks already seeing mom there

"Hey baby."

"Hey mom" I smile

"You're glowing. You look like you just just saw heaven" she says and I laugh

"Yes! I have a beautiful family that's given to me from heaven so I guess"

We take all the snacks inside as Faye and Hunter make an announcement

"We are getting married" she squeal and we all congratulate her

"That's amazing" I say, pulling her in a hug.

I look at my family, with happiness on everyone's faces and smiles on their lips, and I couldn't ask for more.

I'm happy

And I'll always be


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