Chapter 48

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Song for the chapter ~ God is a Woman [Arianna Grande]

"You look hot in that outfit babe. You wanna kill me?" Jason says the moment he sees me. Faye goes off to look find a place for us to sit and see if she'll find Hunt while I make my way to Jason as he wraps his hands around me

"Well thank you. You look neat" I compliment. He didn't bother wearing a suit and being uptight like others have, he's just wearing some dress jeans, black thrasher vans, a white shirt and a black jacket, no tie and he looks gorgeous.

"Don't I always" he smirks

"Oh shut up you cocky little thing" I say to him and we chuckle together

Soon we find our seats and the graduation ceremony begins

"Goodmorning dear students of 2019. Your stay in this school was, is and forever will be inscribed in our hearts, it's a shame you're leaving us, but remember, this institution will always remember you"

Principal Watson, a very fine elegant woman, speaks, radiates and commands authority. Spoken to her just a few times, but got words of wisdom that'll forever be with me, just that tells me that I came to the right place.

The vice principal, Emma, as I've always reffered to her, passes out her words of wisdom and soon, principal Waston is sharing our degrees and calling us one after the other, parents applauding and being proud of how far their wards have come. I wish my mum was here just like my dad was. With a distressed sigh at my predicament, I push the thought to the back of my mind as I listen intently, Faye's name being called out with a distinction for Valedictorian of the year. I stand in my feet and clap, scream as loud as I can,

"YOU DID IT BITCH!" Not giving a damn about the dissaproving looks I'm gaining from parents due to my foul language. Their kids are in highschool for crying out loud, or technically college, almost everyone has been given the degree, that's the tradition, Valedic is always the one to receive last and end the whole thing with a speech. But as I take my seat and watch Faye climb the stage, very well knowing she's praying to not trip because this is a shock for her as well as every other person in this hall, I wonder why I've not received my degree yet.

"Goodmorning fellow students" she greets, her fluent American slang booming through the entire place and I'm jealous I lost mine. I only have specks of mine now ever since I came back from Australia

"It's a pleasure to be here, and be honoured as a Valedictorian, to be honest this is a great surprise because even though I worked hard on my grades no matter the bitch I was, I've still made some mistakes and hurt people which I'm still rectifying. And I hope all those that I came into contact with and hurt at that time will forgive me. If there's one thing in life I've learnt, it's that no matter what we do we'll surely leave this earth one day, death is inevitable, so why not enjoy life when you can? As we're leaving this building, this premises, this compound, some will never step here again, others will bring their kids here and so their presence will be known, but there's just one thing I wanna say, don't rush it. Work hard in life yes, but don't push it, because no matter how big your bed is, if we're honest with each other, we only wake up on one side, and it's the same with life. Gain thousands and you'll just spend a portion of it, leave it on this earth when you die because it can't be taken with you. Imagine the surprise, all my four years in highschool I always heard the a Valedictorian always has to get his or her speech ready, here I didn't even know this was mine, had no speech in mind, but I'm like why don't I just share with you what I've learnt. Work hard in life but enjoy it as well, don't push it too hard for you'll leave it all and not send a dime. Thank you to all those who have been a great factor of this success, especially Dakota. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you. And thank you to my dad, janitor of this school or not, he still supported me in ways my own mother was never able to" she says and each and everyone of us in the hall stand on our feet and give her a round of applause because heck, she fucking deserves a more than a medal. Being a bitch and winning at life is possible haters. That doesn't mean you have to be a bitch though.

I hug her as tight as I can immediately I come into contact with her.

"Thank you" she says through tears.

"There's nothing to thank me for, this was all your hard work, but if it makes you feel better, welcome then. Afterall, I don't want you destroying that diamond makeup, running mascara isn't really a sight" I say and she nods

"And finally, Miss Dakota McCann as Saludictorian" the principal says and I swear the world stops

I thought-

"We had stopped awarding this Miss McCann, but I guess we can start reviving it with you" she smiles as I make my way to stage. I take my degree and she hands me the mic

"I don't know what to say, honestly Faye has said it all. All I can say is thank you, it means a lot" I say and get off the stage

"Surprise" someone taps my shoulder once I'm down and I turn to see my mom

"Oh my God! When did you arrive? Mom!" I say and run into her arms. Don't ask me how that's possible in heels, when mama is around everything is possible

"I couldn't miss my baby's graduation now could I?" She says and I shake my head

"I'm proud of you sweetheart" she says

"Thanks mom"

"No hugs for me?" My dad asks and I chuckle and fall into his embrace. "Hello Ella" he says to my mom awkwardly before muttering "I'm sorry" and they share a hug

Many words font have to be said. Connection is what matters. It's great to know that after almost twenty years, they haven't lost theirs. As the saying goes, "What belongs to you will always find its way back to you". My dad found his way back to my mom because that's where he truly belongs.

"Well done baby"

"Hey babe! That was wonderful" Jason says and once he gets closer his eyes widen

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know she had company" he apologizes profusely

"That's not a problem. Guess you're the boyfriend then?" Mom asks

"Yes ma'am" he says and my mom tells him to call her Ella. As Faye approaches I leave and move away with Jason to spare him from any embarrassment, I wouldn't want my mum to do 'the talk' on my grad day anyway

"... he's a good lad" I hear my dad say to my mom and I'm glad they approve

"You did great baby"

"So did you" I say as his lips find mine

   Nothing could be more better!

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