Chapter 15

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[Jason's POV]:

"Mom if you don't let me leave I'm going to be late for school"

Sometimes I don't know what's up with my mom. She's just too much to handle sometimes. I have to ask my dad how he was able to court her.

I inwardly laugh at the thought.

Either way, I still love her.

"Jason Kyle Roberts, if you don't have breakfast you're not leaving this house"

When you mama uses your full name, you know she's serious.

"What's the big deal with breakfast anyway?" I ask, stuffing my last minute note book I remembered to grab into my bag.

"It's the most important meal of the day" she says, stirring caramel sauce on the stove. She's probably going to bake today.

In order to make her happy and not hear her complain anymore, I grab a toast and smear it with butter, taking a bite and looking at her.

"Happy now mom?" I ask with a mouthful. She scrunches her nose at my behaviour, shaking her head and I chuckle.

I grab a tissue and wipe my lips, telling her bye and giving her a kiss on both cheeks, before exiting the large kitchen.

My parents are well off. They are what will be considered as rich. My father is a well renowned Judge, and my mom owns a coffee shop and she's a baker too. Thus, our living arrangements are luxurious, and we live in what is called a Mansion.

Even with so much at my disposal, my parents, especially my mom, doesn't make me forget that good morals are important and the fact I have it easy doesn't cause me to be a brat, or in my case, a jerk.

I grab the keys to my red Mustang, my love for cars very evident.

I arrive at school very late, like very very late. A little bit after lunch. I really hope I'm not going to get into trouble, I take my academics very serious and I don't want a bad record because I arrived late at school one time. All the same, mom was right. It's good I grabbed that toast, because I'm not making it out of here until after all classes have ended for the day.

After parking my car, I enter through the double doors of the school, and instantly feel the weird tension rolling off the walls.

What happened over here?

I'd have to find out.

[Dakota's POV]:


I can't believe she did this to me.


I fucking trusted her even though I had trust issues


Even though I always knew my limit for trust


But guess what, everyone ends up hurting me along the line




Even those I don't know


I remove the punching gloves from my hand and watch the punching bag sway back and forth due to the energy I was using. I needed to let it all out without breaking someone's nose.

This is where I always came to, I always come to, ever since he died.

It was an accident.

I'm not even sure how it happened

One moment we were all lovey dovey, touching, kissing, talking, laughing, and the next I saw, there he was in my arms, dead. Blood oozing out of the back of his  head.

His face expressionless.

His body lifeless.

His eyes got no hint of the carefree Ron I always saw.

No hint of love.

No emotion.

Nothing at all.

I loved him

Scratch that, I love him now

But guess what

Someone stupid bitch I called a best friend just...

Oh my God

I'm a train wreck right now

This is not me

Mascara streaming down my face, with sweat beads everywhere, my hair a now dishevelled mess, everything about me right now is a mess

I probably look like a psychotic bitch at the moment

Mackenzie Lara Brookes is going to pay! And that's for sure.

I pack my belongings and head out of

Build It Strong gym

His father used to own the place

He helped him maintain and run it.

We would spend hours and hours here training and eating ice cream.

Funny right?

That was our life

God, I miss him

Every single day

I miss his smile

His kisses

His caresses

I miss the way his hands felt on my body

The burning sensation it brought

The adrenaline that rushed through me every time he touched me

The way I longed for his lips on mine

The way I craved for his presence

God, I miss everything

I'll never forget it. Never forget him

I'll never forget the day he was buried. I guess that's when it finally hit me. That's when reality set in. That he's really gone. And there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it

I get out of the gym and opened my car door it to be stopped by Jason

What does he want now?

"I heard what happened" he says

I sigh

"I guess news travel fast then" I say, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible

"I'm always here if you need me" he says, I look into his hazel eyes to try to find lies, but all I get is sincerity

"As what?" I don't know why I asked, but it just slipped out. Besides, we barely know each other. We've only hang out one time. So in what way is he going to be there for me?

"As your new bestfriend" he says with the most genuine smile I've ever seen

"I'm not the one to take bestfriend offers, especially after what just happened, but I'll grab this one" I say, returning the smile

And I hug him! 

Author's note
Longest chap ever, but I promised it. And I keep up with my promises. Love yall! So now the light has he thrown on the always hidden he.  It's Ron. This is  not the last we'd hear from him, I'll throw in more light. But for now, this is all we have.

With that cleared, you know the rule, tell a friend to tell a friend about DIFFERENT, vote, comment and as said earlier, share.

With all the love
Samrielhot8 ❣❣❣

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