Chapter 24

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"Hey boys!" Two girls scream immediately we enter the cabin.

Is a beautiful place I must say. Jason really outdid himself, since his parents just got it built and he was in charge of decorating. That boy doesn't cease to amaze me. Just when I think he has done too much, that this is the limit, then he releases another surprise.

The antique look he gave the cabin along with the oak wooden feel just makes everything feels so vintage.

"Hey girls" They reply in the same enthusiastic tone.

I thought it was just the four of us, but you know what they say, the more, the merrier.

"And who do we have here?" One of the two girls ask, giving me a look I can't decipher. Brunette hair, tan skin, perfect slender body. The typical golden girl.

Just when Jason is about to answer, Avery beats him to it.

"You see that girl he can't shut up about?" He asks them.

"You mean the bestfriend of his that he's so whipped for?" The red head asks

"I present to you Dakota McCann" Isaac says

"Oh my God, I've finally met the girl who stole his heart?" The red head squeals.

I stand on the side, not knowing what to do or say, but all the same enjoying them talking about me as if I'm not right here.

Wait a minute

"Are you that girl I bumped into the last time?"

"Yhup. That's me. But I didn't know you were the infamous bestie" she replies, winking at Jason

"Spreading my fame I see?" I ask, turning to Jason who has a scowl on his face, not enjoying his friends' taunts.

"I didn't think you'd be black" Golden girl says for the first time in a while, and I don't know if I should allow myself to he offended by her really offending statement.

"Excuse me?" I question, wanting to know if she has the audacity to repeat herself again.

"Okay so I'm Monica Collins but I'm mostly known as Monique" the red head introduces, wanting to get rid of the tension that came with golden girl's statement.

"And that's Samantha Ferreira" she points to golden girl "- who's also known as Sam. And you have already met Avery and Isaac" I only nod after she's done.

"So let's get the rooms then, Jason will be sharing a room with Dakota-

"Uhhh... what?" Golden girl questions, raising her eyebrows at Monique.

"I said Jason will be sharing a room with Dakota, these two idiots will share one as well and then you and I will keep the last one" Monique says again, ignoring golden girl's glares.

I drift away from my thoughts when it finally hits me,


I finally give the rooms a once over after I finish dropping my bags. It's actually beautiful, giving the woods a feeling and beautiful views that are to die for. With a comfortable bed where my sleep will be more loved, at least it's not the end of the world. Maybe sharing a room with Jason is not so bad afterall, he might not even sleep here or even enter.

"Do you like it?"

Or maybe I spoke too soon.

I don't have to turn around to know who's behind me. I have grown accustomed to his scent, so heavenly.

I shake the thought off.

"Yes. It's really pretty. Thank you for inviting me" I say and turn around, throwing my arms around him, engulfing him in a hug. He returns the gesture immediately. I've slowly grown to love his hugs, this being my most comfortable spot to be in. I'm grateful for this, how happy he makes me without him even realising it. Being a straight A report card student, calling in sick wouldn't have been that hard, but being the gentleman that he is, attracted my father's trust. I'm scared, so scared that I'll fall for him. Will I be able to handle it? Will I be able to love another? I know I wanted to move on, I do want to move on, but now that the oppurtunity is right infront of me, I'm too scared to grab it. This isn't me, and I won't let my fears get to me. But it's too soon, and I'll have to take time.

"Well then how about I grab my gratitude in a different way?" He says as I look into his blue orbs, a sudden flick of emotion through them, one that I can't pinpoint, but I know for a fact it is strong.

"What do you m-mean?" I can't help but stutter.

Oh what is happening to me?

"I mean, I. Can. Get. My. Thank. You. In. A. More. Pleasurable. Way" he says, emphasizing each word carefully, making me gulp. And when he smirks, I know the action didn't go unnoticed by him. He knows the effect he has on me.

He takes a step forward to decrease the space between us and I take one back. This goes on until my back makes contact with the wooden wall, with him right infront of me. Why is this always happening to me. His breath fanning my face, one move, one wrong move and his lips will be on mine.

His fingers trace my arm, sending sparks flying everywhere in my body.

"Did I tell you how sexy you look in that top? Braless?" He asks, nibbling on my earlobe. I'm sure my face is a sight to behold, so flustered. The halter top didn't allow me to wear a bra so.. meh.

"Answer me" he demands, his voice getting huskier by the second.

"Yes" I whisper, breathless.

His lips brush the corner of mine, and I close my eyes, fighting a moan. And as he leans in, I have only one question in mind,

How did I get myself into this situation?


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