Chapter 12

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Jason's Pov
Jason's POV]:

God, she's beautiful.

The dress she's in is just rocking.

Wait, am I seeing right?

I don't think it's her.

I think about her too much.

Yeah, that's probably it.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" A familiar voice pulls me out of my moment.

I turn and see her.

"I didn't know you attend service here?"

"Oh I do. I kinda love s-service" I'm not paying attention to what I'm saying, still mesmerized by her.

Where was she all my life?

"I live for it actually. I'm suppose to he with my mom and baby sis, but I ditched them for this, besides, you can't blame me though, service today was great" she says, giving me her one million dollar smile.

I'm in awe. I know she isn't a big fan of me that much, so standing here and talking to me, is something that I really appreciate. I know she sees me to be a creep who just stares at her and all that, but it is not entirely my fault, her beauty is out of this world.

"Talking about your mom and sister, how are they?"

"Perfect; thanks for sticking around yesterday by the way, I'm very very very grateful for the support. I was all over the place but you were there for me, besides, we don't know each other much but you still cared for me, besides, I didn't know I needed a friend until you left" she admits and I smile. It's good hearing that from her.

"Don't worry really, I wanted to stay lomger but I had something to take care of"

"No problem. The time you spent there was enough for me"

"And..." I pause "I'll accept your apology only on one condition"

"What?" She asks, one of her eyebrows raised in question.

"A hug" I say, scratching the back of my head, clearly nervous. I know she doesn't give hugs, apart from her bestfriend and her dad, that I saw last night.

"Mhm" That's all she makes available. I was coming to ask if that's all she's going to say, but I'm surprised when she does something else--

[Unknown POV]:

That bitch! I've always loved him. But he never noticed me and it's all because of her fault. All she's ever done is steal my happiness but she claims she loves me. I don't know how long I'm suppose to put up with that 'nice person' act. I hate her so much, I feel like pulling her hair out when I'm close to her, and dragging her on the ground till she realises what she caused me to lose.

"How's the plan going?" I ask

"Superb." he winks, replying.

That's great. Just a little while darling. Just a little while and I'll finish you.

[Dakota's POV]:

I love Mondays! Especially when I know I have my favourite subject for first class. My alarm woke me up quite early today. I had a lot of fun with Jason yesterday. A smile tugs on my lips just remembering it.

That boy has grown some balls I tell you. He asked me for ice cream yesterday after I gave him the hug he asked for. I agreed, but hesitantly. What is even more surprising is that I know I'm encouraging him by agreeing but I still want to. I just couldn't hold back, besides, who would turn down a mint flavoured ice cream. Not a flavour most people like, but a flavour I adore. How do they say it in French again?

Je t'adore.

Oh help me sweet Jesus. I'm turning soft and I don't know if that's a good thing.

I finish my morning routine and put on an outfit. I don't bother choosing anything, I simply grab the first things my hands touch and slip them on, as far as they arent PJ's. Besides, I'll change out of them when it P.E.

I grab my bag and head downstairs for breakfast. I always have to make something. Mom will be coming home with Natalie around five. Since she's sore after childbirth, I'll have to make dinner also.

We're going to have a few people over and welcome my baby sister Helena-Rose. Oh I love her so much already. I finish having Apple Jacks and I head out the door.


[Unknown POV]:

"Where is she now?" He asks

"Just finished a class, heading off to another. That girl I tell you.... jheez, I hate her"

"Good, it'll make this plan a whole lot easier" he smirks, referring to my hatred towards the bitch.

"Where's Faye?" I ask

"Going on a mission"

[Dakota's POV]:

I see the bitch herself walking towards me, with her chipmunks following after them like hungry dogs. How I pity them!

"Hey there slut" she says, loud enough for a crowd to gather around us.

There you have her.

Faye Louise Costello.

Typical queen-bes of the school.

Her name is too nice, which doesn't match her stinking attitude and personality, so I call her Barbie, since her caked up face says it all.

"Look here you two faced bitch, I'm talking to you, and when Faye is talking, you listen"

I inwardly roll my eyes.

"I have class, and you Barbie are wasting my time" I say and try to walk off.

Keyword being : Try.

Miss makeup face has the nerve to pull me back.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, you don't touch me, and don't throw a tantrum, this ain't a cinema and the last thing I want is your crap, infact I never want it. Now I'm not going to argue with you, you leave me to go which I'm already going to do, or I whoop your ass and destroy your already ugly face. Which is which?" I ask

She let's go off my hand and I nod.

"I thought so too Barbie" I wink, leaving her behind me with the crowd. Those people don't have busy stuff doing.

Something is strange, I've not seen Kenzie today. That's unlike her.

I pass by a classroom and head something I'd never thought, or dreamt I'd hear.

Oh. My. God.

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