Chapter 32

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I play with the necklace Jason gave me. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in jewelry. I don't know if it's because of how much I cherish it, or who gave it to me. But I just adore it.

I don't really decide on clothes, but if today's the first day of going to school as a couple I might as well dress to make a statement. Some bitches got to know my boys is taken.

"Honey Jason is here" dad yells from downstairs. When I told him about my relationship yesterday he was so happy, he approved immediately, as for mom, she just nodded, Natalie, squealed. I didn't know she could make out so much we say.

"Coming!" I apply the last bit of makeup and take my bag

I get down the stairs and meet Jay outside

"You never seem to amaze me, always looking so hot. Goodmorming girlfriend" he greets

"Thank you and goodmorning boyfriend, you don't look too bad yourself" I say and kiss him

We arrive in school minutes later and holding hands as a couple walking through the halls, a lot of whispers are heard. Boys whistling, girls glaring as if I've stolen a beauty crown.

And when I kiss Jason after taking my books from my locker, the hallway goes scampede and I know I've passed on the message

Seth's POV

"The fuck! That bitch is always one step ahead. First she killed my bestfriend after rejecting me, and now she's dating Jason, also knows we're fucking each other!" I yell

"That is not good!"

"Is your dumb head now realising?"

I bellow at Mackenzie

Dakota may think she's smart, but I know what'll surprise her most. And that'll be my key to escape

"You better not give out any clues, if not you're on your own" I say and slam the door shut, going to class

Don't be surprised, I still have some decency!

[Dakota McCann POV]:

"Squeeeee!" Monique squeals when we take a seat at lunch. After our week trip together that I realised we all attend the same school, we came to an agreement to have lunch together.

"What's going on and what's with all the excitement?" I ask

"Are you kidding me? Your relationship is the talk of the school, everyone knows the both of you are together" She says, a wide grin on her face

Jason places a kiss on my cheek, "I finally asked her to be my girlfriend"

"You hit the jackpot with this one bro" Avery says and they share a fist bump

I don't have to turn to know where the glares are coming from. I can literally feel them at the side of my head.

"You have to stop that, otherwise you may get a headache" I whisper to golden girl, who is fuming so much she's on the edge of blowing her brains out, but her golden girl status won't allow her to make a scene.

Tsk tsk tsk. How sad.

Izzy doesn't say anything and simply picks his bag up, stomping out of the cafeteria. What's with him?

Avery makes a move to go after him but I stop him, deciding to do so instead.

I place a kiss on Jason's lips before picking my own bag and going after Isaac.

"Hey Izzy, what's wrong?" I question, catching up with him.

"I've liked you ever since I set my eyes on you Dakota. I thought Jason was just your bestfriend" he says and I'm taken aback by his confession.

"I had no idea"

"I guess I should have told you. But either way, I was deceiving myself, knowing this is a lost cause. I noticed the way the two of you looked at each other"

"I'm sorry."

He shakes his head, Don't be. I'm happy for you. Just peachy" he says and I smile. I pull him into a hug.

"Don't worry about it. She's around the corner waiting for you huh?" I tell him and we both share a laugh, returning to our table.

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