Chapter 49

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Song for the chapter ~ God is a Woman [Arianna Grande]

I wake up with a smile on my face like always ever since the grad day. Amber and dad's court proceedings were yesterday, so now their officially divorced. Amber packed out of the house yesterday. I make my way from my bed and get ready for the outing day Jason has organised with all our friends. As I step my caramel coloured leg into the porcelain bath tub, I remember the only thing that really didn't go well for us in all this was Amber got custody of  Natalie, so she went with her. To be honest I'm not really bothered, I know sooner or later we'll get Helena back, she'd want to come on her own for starters, also Amber would want to bring her back to relief herself of the burden cause right now we all know she doesn't have a dime. She didn't win a big part of the property like she thought she will, maybe she thought if she used Natalie for an excuse she'd get something. How pathetic! She doesn't want Natalie because she's her daughter and she has some love for her, but she wants her because of the money she'd gain from my dad through her. And to think she can be called a mother

I finish my routine and stand infront of my closet trying to find an outfit. I'm really glad we're going on this outing, I need it as a relaxation after four years of highschool work, besides, I've been wanting to see Monique since forever. Samantha? I'm not so sure.

I pull my hair into a bun to complete my look and take my bag.

When I get downstairs Faye is till not out and I wonder why she's taking so long. Oh Hunt. Yeah. Their relationship has grown tremendously and I wouldn't be surprised if he asks her to be his girlfriend this second.  He and I don't interact much, the last time we tried to speak it got kinda awkward. I guess it was the idea of meeting someone close to her family for the first time with him knowing that gave him shock. If not that I've no idea, cause I'm not the type to be a victim for awkward visits. 

"Goodmorning mom, dad" I greet once I'm in the living room. My dad reading his news paper as always, and my mom sipping coffee. This is how I wanted our family to be like, but I guess you can't have it all. Mom is over for a two weeks stay, and she couldn't stay in a hotel till she leaves, so why not stay when the guest room is vacant.

"Goodmorning dear how are you?" Mom asks


"Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby"

"Well goodmorning everyone!" Faye chirps once she's out of her room and downstairs

"Took you long enough. Thought we'd have to sleep here and call it a day" I joke and we all laugh. We bid mom and dad goodbyes and leave

"Hey guys!!" Monique squeals when she sees us

"Why are you always so enthusiastic?" Faye questions and I laugh

"Life is lived to be happy"

"Great answer babe" Avery says, kissing her

"Dakota can we talk?" golden girls asks and I nod hesitantly

"What is it?" I ask after we have moved away from the table

"I'm sorry for trying to come between you and Jason. It was a bitch move. I was cheated on and I just wanted to inflict the same pain I felt even though I knew it was crazy"

"It's fine. Jason and I are inseparable now so that's okay"

"No bad blood?"

"No bad blood"

"Hey ma man, Jay told me you were coming but I almost thought he lied to me, since you seem to take so long" Avery says the moment Hunt joins the table.

They know each other then? I thought another new introduction would have to be done at this table.

"I'm here now aren't I? Hey babe" he greets Faye and they peck each other. No surprise there, I knew they couldn't keep their hands of each other, I just wish Faye would've told me

"Babe?" Jason, Avery and Izzy ask at the same time

"Hey you guys are not the only couple here" Hunt says and Jason and I chuckle

"Couple?" Izzy asks

"Yeah, we're together" Hunt says and I glance at Faye, feeling hurt that she didn't tell me.

"So what uni didn't you get into?" Monique asks me

"I..." and that's how the conversation rolls

When we get home neither of the two parents are around, and I head into my room still annoyed at Faye

"Hey I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I wanted to tell you but I guess the time was never right"

"There is no right time to tell your sister a guy asked you out as his girlfriend Faye"

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay"

"I hope you're not mad?"

"No I'm not" I say sincerely.

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