Trente trois / Brittany pt. 1

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took a writing break to do some reading. Had to come back bc this shit is like therapy. I be projecting shit I wish I had into my characters.

ps, niggas ain't shit & relationships succ


I woke up in the unfamiliar bedroom, reminding me that I'd stayed at Bea's house.

The storm had finally passed.

Nathan was still fast asleep, and I assumed he would be for a while, considering how late we stayed up. I couldn't help but be still caught up on what he was saying last night. I wanted him to continue. But he's so caught up in his ego he can barely open up.

I pushed that to the back of my mind, and looked over to check the time. I noticed Nathan's phone was still on, with a text thread pulled up. Only this nigga would set his screen not to timeout after five minutes.

Mind your business, Audrey.
Mind your business, Audrey.

I couldn't resist.

I glanced at the phone, reading the name at the top.


Don't read it. It's just a girl, who cares?

I tried to pry my eyes away from the barely lit screen, but the there was a voice in my head forcing me to read.

so what time will she not be there?

She works for me . She's  basically always with me

Why don't you tell her to go shopping or something? Then I'll come over there

She ain't like other girls . She don't even like shopping 🙄

ugh so when can we meet, Ace? This might not work.

It'll work out , I promise. I'll figure something out, I'll see you soon. I'm bout to go to sleep, I'm next to her right now so I'll talk to you tomorrow 

My stomach felt sick when I stopped reading. Nathan is a great guy, he wouldn't do this..especially so early in.

I wanted to believe it was just some platonic friend, or even a relative, but why did she have to stay hidden from me?

I've had silly short-lived relationships in the past, niggas cheat, I cuss them out, I move on. This was different.

Very different. Not only was the bond different, if he was fucking around with some girl, and I just break up with him, would I still even work for him? Would I still get these large checks I'm getting each week?

And this is what Bea wanted me to avoid.


I woke up from a good sleep, noticing Audrey wasn't next to me. I sat up slightly, noticing her sitting quietly at the foot of the bed.

"You good? Why you sitting there like that?" I chuckled, grabbing my phone off the nightstand.

"No reason."

"Well come lay down, the bed is warmer with you in it."

I felt bad about how I came at her last night, I get I can't force her into the limelight, but can you blame me for wanting to show her off to the world?

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