Chapter 1 - Dorms

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[Alexandra's POV]

I couldn't believe it. I was actually going to Princeton with all of my friends! Well, besides John. He was in South Carolina majoring in marine biology. Man, that guy loves turtles. I was walking through the halls to the front desk when I hear screaming.

"ALEXANDRA!" I hear a group of people yells. I turn around to see Lafayette, Hurcules, Eliza, Peggy Angelica, and... Aaron?

"Hey, guys!" I say as I'm engulfed into a hug. "Alex! Mon ami, how have you been? Lafayette says with his thick French accent. "I've been good, guys! I've just been busy-" "WRITING, WE KNOW.," everyone says. I laugh as we start walking to the front desk.


Nonono. This can't be happening! I'm roomed with Thomas Jefferson and Jamie Madison? I try calming down because now I'm just hyperventilating. It works for a short while. But what I didn't notice was that my legs had already dragged myself to my room. I sigh facing the fact that I had to be with them for the next 4 years. I open the door and-

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the asshat Hamilton!" I hear a familiar southern accent say. I roll my eyes and respond with, "Nice to see you, too, Jeffershit!" I then hear Jamie scoff. "just go back to Nevis. You're a mistake." she says. I brush it off trying not to cry in front of them. Not my enemies.

I put that remark aside and I go into my room and locking the door behind me. I silently start crying and start searching through my bags looking for the only thing that helps me cope with pain.


I get my towel and I start cutting.







"That should be enough," I say quietly. I start cleaning up my mess and I wrap my arm in bandages.

I unpack my belonging and set my laptop up. I begin typing. Why me? Why is this my life?

[Thomas' POV]

Jamie and I snicker awhile until we hear a quiet grunt. We didn't think much of it until we hear it again, this time a little louder. It was coming from Hamilton's room. I knock on her door. "Hamilton? Are you okay?" I say with a little concern in my voice. Wait, why am I concerned? She's my enemy! "I'm fine," I can hear her say, you could barely hear her.


Jamie and I are in the kitchen on the kitchen island after a few hours. Later and we hear a door open. "Hamilton?" I say when I see someone close the door behind them. I hear them hum in response to my question. Al- Hamilton walks over to the kitchen counter and starts making her a plate of food. Just as she begins to walk back to her room, Jamie stops her. "Hey Hammie, come eat dinner with us." I see Hamilton wince at Jamie's sudden outburst, but complies and sits across from us.

We eat in silence for a while until Jamie spoke; again. "Hey, why are there bandages on your arm?" she asked. Hamilton quickly puts her arms away. ''I-I think t-they're c-comfortable..." Hamilton mumbles. I was shocked. I've never heard her stutter unless she was uncomfortable, embarrassed, sad, or angry. She was always so loud and confident. "You know, we are assholes, but we aren't heartless," I state.

Hamilton's beautiful, brown eyes wi-

Wait, did I just call her eyes beautiful?

My thoughts were interrupted with her stuttering, ''Y-yeah I g-guess.." her head being low while she says it. Hamilton stands up, washes her plate, and goes to her door. "Goodnight Jeffershit, Maddison."

"That was... Odd." Jamie says with her eyes opened with confusion. I nod in agreement.

"Goodnight Hamilton."




Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of Jamilton College AU! I might change the cover here and there and I might come in the middle of the story sometimes. I'll try to make a schedule because it's crazy because of school. Have a great day!

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