Chapter 25 - I Tried To Save You All

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[James POV]


Damn it. She just won't listen, huh? Fucking stubborn like her whoreful mother. When will she learn? She will be mine. No matter where she goes, I'll find my way back to her, just like I did with James. She'll be back.

[John POV]

Ever since what happened that night before, we've been more protective over Alex. Alexandra can't be left alone by herself in her dorm, she has to stay with one of us at all times, so she's sort of on house arrest. Her voice has gotten better but... Alex has changed. Yes, she's still her loud, sassy self, no one can take that away from her, but I've noticed when the group goes somewhere with her, she looks at windows, doors, and large groups of people constantly.

Like watching her. Looking for her. Looking for US.

We were all at the food court in the mall and I think everyone noticed how Alex was. When we asked her questions, she just responded with 'yes' and 'mhm yea'. She would look in the direction of the two large doors ever once in a while. 

"Lex? Baby girl, are you okay?" Thomas asks, concerned for her girlfriend. Alex furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the door. I took this chance to look in the same direction. There was this group of guys there that she kept her eyes closely on, but they didn't seem to notice us and her glaring. "Mhm... yeah. Great idea," she absentmindedly says to us all, not taking her eyes off the group of men for a second. 

"Okay, what the hell, Alexandra!'' Hercules yells. I see Alex flinch, I do too. Hercules hardly yells like this unless it was urgent, one of us was getting or was hurt, or something personal. "Ever since Wednesday, you've done nothing but look at a fucking door when we're around you! I understand about your situation but what the hell is wrong with you?" I see Thomas and Lafayette wanting to say something to Hercules about his outburst, but he was right. This was getting out of control. 

Lexa's eyes turn into glares and she turns her head to the group of men who were now staring at us. This time smiling. She brings her attention back to Hercules and is now visibly angry. "Look at what you fucking did!" she shouts. I noticed the confused looks going around, I even had one. "I try to fucking protect you all but you just had to fucking fuck it up!" she shouts even louder, grabbing the attention if even more bystanders. 

As they start yelling at each other, the argument was interrupted by Alexandra's phone ringing. Her face softens and it turns into a worried one, looking around for the group of men and at windows and doors. She sighs as she picks up the phone. "Hello, how can I help you? '' she says in a fake cheerful voice which is actually believable. I see a tear start to form in the corner of her eye. "You... When?'' she hesitates and glances at a few windows.

Alex hangs up the phone and starts placing her phone into her purse. "Lexi, where are you going and what's going on?" Eliza asks. She raises her head and glares at her. Angelica sees this and gets pissed. "I don't know what your problem is Alexandra James Hamilton, but you will not take your dirty glares out on any of my sisters or your friends!" she growls. Alex scoffs and her glare becomes sharp. "You have no right to call me James," she growls back and I could see slight tears forming in her eyes. I know Angelica went passed a line of Alexandra's sanity and emotions, and she knew it. Before she could apologize, Alexandra was already out the door. 

"Angelica what the fuck!" I yell at her. "I know, I know! But she fucking-'' ''Angelica Schuyler, I know you care about your sisters and us dearly, but you know how she is with stuff like that! Why would in the hell would you include her middle name? Her father's name?" I interrupt. "S-she'll be back.." Eliza mumbles. 

That was the last time we saw her in 5 days...




Oh, how do you like the cliffhanger? I'll try to start uploading more, I promise! 

Shout out to user534876883941 bro!

I hope guys enjoy, have a great day rest of your day/night! 

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