Chapter 12 - After and Tears

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[Thomas POV]

TUESDAY - 6:36 A.M. 

I wake up with my arms around Alex's waist. I'm shirtless and she's just in a bra and shorts, probably too short for her liking. She has marks from her neck to her thighs. I smile satisfied with my work. 

She faces me and puts her face in my chest. My little baby girl. "Tommy..." she groans as she gets up and lays on top of me. I sit up and I place her comfortably on my lap, her eyes and still closed shut. "Yes, my dear?" I ask. "Mm... hungry, mon cher, make me breakfast, mon cher merde." she groans. 

Wow, she mixes up her languages up in the morning, and her Carribean drawl is beautiful. I get up and she holds onto me, then precedes to climb on my back. "Honey, why don't you go wash up?" I ask her as I hold her legs in place. "I can't stand you piece of merde," she snaps, pulling my hair. ''Aww, did I fuck you that hard, darlin?" I tease. I hear a snarl, and then a quiet laugh. "You did so," she says in a teasing tone.

I take her towards the bathroom and I run her a bath. "Strip," I say putting her hair in a tight bun. She complies and I place her in the tub. "Do you want me to wash your hair, Lex'"? I ask, handing her a rag and some soap. "Nah, I'll be fine, dear. Just make breakfast, please?" she hums I just nod.


After getting dressed and eating breakfast, we start walking towards Laf, Herc, and John's dorm. Alex had her arm wrapped around mine, head on mine also because she was short and couldn't reach my shoulder. Hah. "You alright, darlin?" I question. She just nods. "I have classes starting around 8:30," she says, checking her phone for the time and looking through messages. 

I knock on the door and after a while, someone opens it. It was Laf. "S-sorry about that, amis," he stutters, his face red. I catch Alex smirking. "If I wasn't in pain, I would hug you so hard right now, my dirty child." she chuckles. "I would say the same for you, Mama Lion," Laf responds. 

"Are you guys even fucking ready yet? God DAmn. My fucking coffee is going to get cold you pieces of shit!" I hear John yell. "John calm the fuck down. And you drink ICED coffee!" I hear Hercules snap back at him. Alex giggles and god, her giggles are adorable. However, not as adorable as her moans-

John burst out of the dorm, face red with anger. "He fucking dropped my coffee," he snarls. Alex gasps, coffee is literally her child. She takes out a piece of newspaper from her satchel and goes into the dorm, slightly closing the dorm door behind her. A few moments later, I hear a few whines. There wasn't much dialogue, but I'm pretty sure Herc just got his ass beat by a 5-foot gremlin with a piece of newspaper. Again. 

"Babe! We need to get going!" I shout when I see it's 8:23. Damn. Time really does fly. I hear a sigh of relief and a low, annoyed groan. Alex walks up to me and grabs my hand. Laf, John, and Hercules smile widely. "I guess I'll see you guys later?" John asks/states. We nod as we begin to start walking to classes. 


[Hercules POV]

"Yes!" I fangirl. John is running around in circles with Lafayette yelling: "JAMILTON IS OTP! THE SHIP HAS SAILED!'' over and over again, laughing hysterically. 
"Guys, we have to get to classes," I say grabbing my things. They nod but continue to squeal while getting ready. Everyone was like this when Laf and I got together, so I couldn't blame them. 

"Hercules, mon amour," I hear John say, mocking Lafayette, "I love you so much especially when I suck your-" "OKAY, that's enough!" I shouted, cutting him off. 


[Peggster POV]

"And I'm pretty sure they fucked," Lafayette told me. He began to stuff his face with french fries. Wow, what a cannibal. 

Just then, Thomas walks into the cafeteria and sits with the group. "What's going on my gay dudes,'' he says. I snicker, but Aaron, Angelica, and Jamie yell in unison, "IM NOT GAY!'' My snickers turn to full-on laughing and the group follows. "So Tommy boy, how was last night with Alex?" I purr. Instead of turning red with embarrassment, he smiles widely. "It was heavenly! Her mouth does so much more than talk-" "TMI THOMAS!'' Jamie yells, fake gagging. 

He shrugs and drinks his latte. "Have you guys seen Alex by the way?" Eliza asks. And come to think of it, I don't think anyone has heard from Lex. She usually texts the Set first, and then us Schuylers. When she doesn't text or respond, she's usually upset or in trouble. "I'll call her," John says, dialing her number and putting it on speaker. It rings for a minute until she picks up. 

"Bonjour. Salut. Er-um. Yes?" she stutters, mixing up her languages. The Set and Thomas exchanges worried and confused looks.                                                                                                                     "Lexa? Where are you?" Hercules asks.                                                                                                                        "Hercules! Hi! Tha mi... aig me dorm, tha mi ceart!'' she says, then hanging up. Along buzzing noise following. 

[Translation: Hercules! Hi! I'm... at my dorm! I'm fine!"]

"We need to go," the Set says in unison and they start gathering their belongings. "What's going on? What's going on with Alex? Wha was that language she spoke?" Eliza and Angelica say and we start walking out of the cafeteria. "Scot Gaelic," Lafayette says. I look worrisome. I'm the only one out of the group besides the Set who knows about Alexandra's past. 

"She sounds worst this time," I say as we start sprinting to the dorm. John looks back at me. "She told you?" he asks. I quickly say 'yes' and that's when we reach the dorm... 

[Alexandra POV]

No. He can't. He left. He died! Or so I thought... Shoulders touch my shoulders and I raise my hand slap me. 

"NO DEAN FUCKING-'' I cut myself off as I realize it was Hercules. I look at him and my eyes start to water. "Chan eil marbh Herc!" I cry out, pacing back and forth. ''He knows I go to Princeton! He's going to find me! He's going to-" "He's NOT going to rape you, Alexandra Hamilton." Peggy reassures me. 

[Translation: Not dead Herc!]

"Darlin," I hear Thomas say," you're okay." He gives me a tight hug and I push him away. I continue to start pacing back and forth. "Alex, what happened?" Peggy asks me but I feel like I can't speak. This usually happens when I take about fath- James. "He's not dead," Hercules says for me. Thomas and the others wrap me in a hug and tell me soothing things. And for a moment, I believe them. 

But knowing my father, it won't be okay. 




Here you guys go! Sorry I didn't post in 3 days, I was busy. And shout out to HamFam360

You read my book around 2:20 in the morning, wth. But honestly, I do the same. Just thank you! 

I hope you guys have a great day and I'll try to come out with a chapter tomorrow if homework doesn't get in the way! 

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