Chapter 3 - 'Starbuckys

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['Laff'ayette's POV]


We were at 'Starbuckys. I'm so glad school doesn't start until Monday. Alexandra seems better. She's her bold, happy self again. Then, my phone buzzes and I get a text from John.

Turtle: I have something I have to tell you.

Frenchfry: What is wrong mon ami? Is something wrong? 


Frenchfry: REALLY????

Turtle: Yeah, but don't tell Alexandra. I want to surprise her. You can tell Herc tho. 

Frenchfry: Alright! Knowing you, you are probably here unpacking. We are at 'Starbuckys Building 4, ami! 

Turtle: Be there in 10 

I internally squeal. I explain everything to Hercules and he smiles ear to ear. Alexandra, however, is confused as, how you say... hell? "What's going on?" she asked. "Oh, nothing, petit lion," I say sheepishly. I hear her scoff. She hates being called that. 


[Alex POV]

I see Laf and Herc smiling wickedly. I didn't like this. Are they hiding something from me? Then, I feel two hands on my shoulders. I turn around and I slap whoever was behind me. My eyes widen as  I see who is in front of me. 

"JOHN!'' I yell jumping into his arms. 

"Goddammit, Lex. I missed you but not your fucking slaps!" he exclaimed. We all chuckle. "Johnny, we missed you!" Hercules says pulling us all into a group hug. "Good! I just wanted to spend college with all of my best friends. People in South Carolina are boring," he groans. Then he pulls something out of his pocket. 

"DEBRA!'' we screech. I'm surprised how we aren't kicked out yet. 

Debra is John's pet turtle since like, forever. She's super tiny so she fits right into his pocket. Even though we aren't obsessed turtle lovers like John, we still love her so much. 


Hercules and John had left to go back to their dorms. It felt good to have him back. Now every member of the Set was here. I then notice Lafayette texting someone. "Who are you texting Laf?" I asked being the nosy prick I am. "Thomas, Jamie, and Aaron," he says. I look at him worriedly but I give him a small smile. "What for?" I say taking a sip of my drink. "He was asking us to come here," I hear a familiar voice say.


Jefferson, Madison, and Aaron scoot into the booth Laf and I was sitting in. Hah. Jefferson gets to sit right next to me. 


"¿Por qué están aquí Laf? ¿Y por qué se sienta a mi lado? [Why are they here Laf? And why does he get to sit right next to me?}.'' I say to 'Laff', sipping his drink and laffing. 

I turn over to see Madison, Jefferson, and Aaron looking at me like I'm crazy. "I didn't know you spoke Spanish, Hamilton." Jefferson. I blush knowing he probably understood what I just said. "¿Cuántos idiomas hablas? [How many languages do you speak?].'' he asks. ''4'' I state with a smirk on my face, and he returns it. 

Maybe he isn't that bad? I blush at the thought but a smile creeps onto my face. God, why now do I think this way? No! I...I have to hate him. Or do I? 

"Alexandra! Are you okay?" Aaron says snapping me out of my thoughts. All of them are looking at me. "O-oh! I'm f-fine!" I stutter. Fuck. I turn to see Lafayette smirking. Only the Revolutionary Set knew that if I stutter, I'm upset, embarrassed, in... love, or angry. Like, I'm about to kill you twice angry. 

"S-stop Laf," I stutter again, his smirk turning into a evil smile. 

"Fine, petit lion." 




Sorry I haven't been posting. I really wanted to write a few days ago, but I had a writer's block, school, and other stuff. I hope you guys like this chapter! 

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