Chapter 2 - Confrontation

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[Thomas' POV]


I wake up to the sound of banging on the dorm door. I groan as I get up to see who it is. "Yes, what do you-"

"Thomas! Mon ami, is Alexandra in here?!" he yells. I see Hercules behind him. "Yes, why?" I asked, pissed off that they woke me up. "She hasn't been answering any of our text!" Hercules said, clearly panicking.

I let the Revolutionary Set inside into the dorm as Hercules whispers something to Laf. "Thomas," Hercules says with a tiny bit of anger in his voice, "did you say or do anything to Alex?" he asks. I roll my eyes. "Besides calling her an asshat, no. Jamie told her she was a mistake though.." I trail off.

Lafayette began to start worrying. ''D-did she come out h-her room w-with b-bandages on h-her arms?" he stutters. I nod as the Revolutionary Set's eyes widen with fear. Hercules demands me to take them to her room, and I comply. Next thing I hear is yelling.

[Alexandra's POV]

I wake up with someone shaking me. "Alexandra Hamilton!" I hear a heavy French accent yell. "Hm?'' I say as I turn to see the Set next to me. Lafayette grabbed my arm as I hissed in pain. "YOU PROMISED TO STOP!" he yells, tears forming from his eyes.

They all hug me tightly. We were all crying now. "I'm s-sorry guys," I state choking on my words. They all nod. "Alex," Herc says, "razors now." having a cold tone. I simply gulp as he states those words. My friends were loving but scary at times.

I point to my dresser with a wooden box contained with all my razors. "We care about you, Lex." Laf states. I nod, not feeling to speak. The boys walk out the room closing the door behind them.


I got dressed after taking a shower and I walk out of my room. The Set are on the couch and Thomas and Jamie are in the kitchen. They both look at me with what seemed like... Pity? No, it can't be.

"Alex, petit lion, are you hungry?" Lafayette asks. I shake my head no. I probably won't eat for the next few days. Lafayette walks up to Thomas and mumbles a few things to him. He nods and looks back at me but quickly turns away.

Don't think much of it, Alexandra, I think to myself.

[Jamie POV]

I couldn't believe what Lafayette just told us. Alex had been cutting, and to make matters worse, it was because of Thomas and I. I feel horrible.

A few minutes later, Alexandra walks out of her room. I look at her with pity, and then at he arm. I shuddered know I caused that.

Alex talks with the guys for a while. Laf asked her a question I think, and she shakes her head no. Lafayette then walks over to Thomas. Thomas seems to look more upset but nods to what he says. He glances over at Alex but quickly turns away.

He walks over to me and sighs. "What did he tell you?" I asked, concerned. "Laf said to make sure Hamilton eats. When she cuts, she doesn't eat for a couple of days." he states. I didn't like this one bit. I walk over to Alex and wrap my arms around her. She flinches but relaxes into the hug.

"I'm so sorry Alex," I say, holding back tears. "It's fine," she says. However, I know deep down she knew it wasn't. We've been bullying her since high school! I get off of her but I said 'I'm sorry' one more time.

I catch her friends looking at me but mouth the words 'thank you'. I just nod.

I hope she genuinely forgives us.




Hey guys! Sorry, I was planning onn posting yesterday but stuff happened. I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of Jamilton College AU! Have a great day you beautiful bagettes!

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