Chapter 14 - Yes, Confront Me

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[Alexi POV]


I wake up early, and for some reason I'm hungry. Yes, this is something that a regular human being would do. But if you know me, I do not eat at all in the morning particularly. Eating this early is new. Maybe I should make some food for the others... Yup. That's what I'm going to do.

I settle on cooking a slight huge but small feast. Bacon, chocolate pancakes for Peggy, regular pancakes for the others, omelets, sausages, and grits. Yay! The perfect breakfast to make when you're about to be interrogated by your best friends who act like a ton of mothers and fathers who just caught their daughter dating an over-aged man or a teenager sneaking out for a party around 3 in the morning! 


I was finishing up with breakfast at around 7:20. I sing quietly as I set the table and  I lay out drinks. "Morning petit lion," Lafayette groans, making me jump slightly. He's probably still tired, I feel bad for making them stay up all night. As if he could read my mind, he says, "It's not your fault Alex, you didn't know this was going to happen," he states, embracing me into a tight hug. I sigh softly. 

'I made breakfast for the interrogation. May you wake up the others?' I sign. He nods as he walks to the living room, waking up the others. Groans, yawns, and unknown noises enter the kitchen. "Good morning, Alexandra," Hercules says. I wave and smile, but I think he knows it's been forced.

I'm greeted with a good morning and soon everyone is at the large kitchen island.  'Aren't we missing someone?' I sign to John. He nods, but then soon someone knocks on the door. I feel my anxiety rise. Not only could it be Washington, but it could be my father and not Washington. What if he found my friends' dorms? I can't risk them getting hurt. 

As John gets up and opens the door, I see Washington in the doorway. I let out a breath I didn't even know I had in. He walks, well more like quickly rushes, towards me and embraces me into a hug. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?" he asks, worry in my eyes. I smile and a hugs him, reassuring him I'll be okay. I mean, what the hell do you mean? James has not only hurt me physically but mentally. I fucking hate it. 

'I'm fine dad'  I sign and he smiles softly and takes a seat at the island. "Alexandra," I hear Lafayette say, ''you need to explain to us what happened. Now.'' he bitterly states. 'Yeah... I know...' I say, letting out a sigh. 


After telling them what happened, I saw them visibly get more protective over me, but in a sort of loving way. I always hated when they gave me pity because me being an emotional roller coaster and my past, but I know they are like this and are doing it out of love.

The others had left by now and Thomas had to go to the stare for a while. "Alexandra..?!" I hear Jamie ask, yelling and asking a question at the same time. I hum letting her know she has my attention. "I need some advice.." she mumbles loud enough for me to hear. I go to grab a piece of notebook paper and a pen. 'What advice do you need?' I write. "It's Angelica... I like her but I'm not sure if she likes me back. What should I do?" she asks me. I smile. 'Just talk to her about it. It would be better to tell her now before your feelings get any stronger and you get to the point where you're so flustered you can barely tell her.' I write down. She nods as she smiles and thanks me. I smile as well, but wider. I've heard Angelica fantasize about dating Jamie constant times.

I hear a door open and I see Thomas with groceries in his hands. He sets them on the table and wraps me into a tight hug. "I promise I will always protect you, darlin, he says. I kiss his cheek gently. He puts his face in the crook of my neck and it makes me laugh slightly. "What's so funny?" he says, making his chin move his hairy stubble against my neck. This only made me laugh more. 'Tommy stoop' I sign. He places his hands on my sides. 'Thomas JEfffff-'  I sign, getting cut off with my tiny squeaks. I start to make louder noises and Jamie comes out quickly. After she spots me on the couch with Thomas she sighs in relief, walking back into her room. 

How dare this southern bitch to tickle MWAH? I manage to slip out of his grasp and I run to the kitchen, which was a stupid idea because I was just cornering myself. 'STap' I quickly sign while he just laughs. "But darling, I looooveee you." I roll my eyes. Love my ass. He smiles softly before placing his hands on my waist and kissing my temple. "I love you, darlin." I wrap my arms around him and I kiss him back.

'I love you, too'




Sorry I haven't been writing a lot lately. I've had school and it has been absolute ass for this past week. I'll try to upload more since I have a week off because of Spring Break. I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night! 

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