Chapter 22 - Damn You All

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[Alex POV]

MONDAY - 7:26 A.M.

I wake up and my body feels very limp. Why? Oh right, last night. I sigh and I go into my shower. At least they had put me back in my room. It would've been painful if they had just left me on the ground as they did years ago. I stayed in the shower for at least 20 minutes. I kept scrubbing and scrubbing, but I still felt dirty. I still felt like a horrible person. Oh god, what would Thomas say to me? He'd probably be disgusted with me. I'm a horrible person and girlfriend. They all don't need or deserve me in their lives...

 I get dressed and I walk downstairs where I'm greeted with Jamesey, my 'father', and the Royals. My brother gives me a pitied and depressed look and while James just smirks at me and grips onto a beer bottle that looked like his second one. I roll my eyes. Fucking alcoholic deadbeat dad. My brother runs towards me and hugs me tightly. "I am so sorry I couldn't help you, Alexandra. Oh my god, if I could I would. I am such a horrible brother,'' he cries into my shoulder. I rub his back and I whisper back softly, ''It's not your fault, Jamesey. I pull him back to face me and I give him a small, broken smile. 

"Alright,'' James starts, ''get ready to go back to the college. And remember, try anything and your punishment will be much worse. Go along,'' he purrs and I rush out of the warehouse and into the car. I didn't feel like eating, I'd rather starve. I wait for at least another 5 minutes until the others get in the car with me. "Listen, Alexandra,'' Charles starts saying to me, "I know you hate me and you have every right to, but I am terribly sorry for everything you had to go through last night. I never knew it was that hard for you.." he chokes out, a few tears brimming and falling from his eyes. I send him the same broken smile I had sent J. I guess they cared after all. 


The rest of the day went like normal. I went to all my classes and didn't speak through any of them, skipped lunch because I felt like I needed to starve as a punishment because of what happened on the previous night, and I headed back to my dorm. Knowing my friends and family, they are probably waiting for me back there since I take extra classes so I could graduate faster. Somehow, James managed to get into the school even though he's not in school anymore? Anyways, he's here. 

When we reached my dorm, I held onto his arm tightly. I didn't feel like facing any of them right now. They would all be disgusted and disappointed with me. They'll hate me forever. And it feels like I haven't been here for months. We walk in and I'm greeted with all my friends and family. They all smile happily when they see me. That's when I break down and the waterfalls start coming. I rush into my room and I lock the door behind me. I didn't even care about the worried cries that were coming from behind me and from the other side of the door. 

[Jamesey POV]

Shit. "Alexandra! Please come out of the room! I don't want to have to force myself into this room!" I plead out to my sister. I pay attention to my sister as she tries her best to tell the others what happened without going into much detail. Leaving out the rape part, I think. Alex probably feels guilty about the whole ordeal and is blaming it all on herself. That's no way for her to live. 


It's been 30 minutes since Lexan had gone to her room and she hasn't come out of it yet. What if she's cutting herself? What if she's killing herself? I figured I wasn't going to force myself in there. It would just hurt her more. We hear a door open and there stood a broken Alexandra. She had her arms around her protectively. We ran up to her and we hugged her tightly. I used to rarely see Alex act like this back on the island, but that was probably because she was around so many people that cared about her, not her rank because James was our father. When we let go of her, she stood in the same position, but she was different. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was gripping tighter on her arms, so tight that her knuckles were turning white. She looked at me and I shared a similar expression. I knew what it had meant.

''We have to kill him,'' we say in sync. 


"What?!'' is shouted throughout the dorm. Alex snarls, which makes most of the room flinch. She goes to the kitchen, grabs a knife, and starting pacing back and forth. "It's the only way we can get him out of all of our lives,'' we say in unison once again. They all shudder. "Can you guys.. not do that?" Aaron asks, fear laced in his voice. Not only the fact that we were talking like serial killers in sync but the fact that Alex was twirling a long knife in her hand absentmindedly. It's something she does when she's pissed. 

"Babe, you can't just go and kill someone!" John and Thomas both say in sync this time. I smirk at John's choice of words and I watch everyone's mouth gaped open. "Hold the fuck up!" Lexan sputters. "When the fuck did this happen?" she screeches. "Yesterday.." he says and he intertwines our fingers. I few groans go around and I hear  'I guess Jeggy isn't a thing'. 

"Back to the point!" Thomas intervenes. "You can't just kill your fath-'' ''He is not our father,'' we growl. "Other James Hamilton. You can't just kill him!" 

"But why not? He's already killed a ton of people already..'' Lafayette mumbles loud enough for all of us to hear. "But you could also risk the chance of going to jail for murder. The people in your organization could rat you out,'' Angelica says in a monotonic tone. Damn, she's right about that. I know both of us could handle jail, but the thought of Alex not being able to see her- our friends would kill her and break her to shreds. Not being able to see the love of our lives and now family. 

''But it needs to be done. Tomorrow,'' a voice in command, similar to James' says. We all turn around to see the Royals and Washington standing the doorway. They come inside and they close the door behind them.

"Tomorrow is when they kill him.''


What is up my dude! This book is coming to an end. And I'm sorry I haven't been uploading a lot. I've been tense and working hard all this week. Anyways and see you in the next chapter!  

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