Chapter 9 - Mama Lion

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[Jamie POV]


Over the past few days, I've noticed Thomas and Alexandra getting closer. He picks her up when she's tired, he wraps his arm around her waist, and he even sleeps in the bed with her sometimes. What the hell!

 "Jamie?" I hear Thomas call. "You, what's up?" I ask, not hearing what he said before. "Nothing don't worry it," he responds. I give a sad glance but I shrug it off. "Hey, I'm going out for a bit," I say pointing towards the door. ''Alright, be safe," I hear him say as I walk away. 


I knock on the door. "Open the door, James," I call. When he does open the door, he blows a puff of smoke into my face. "Give me a puff," I say as I walk into the dorm. Charles Lee, Samantha Seabury, and 'King George'. Everybody but Samantha was smoking. I kind of felt bad for the poor girl. 

"Why are you here, Jamie?" he ask. "You know about Thomas, right?" I smirk. "You were saying?" King said, standing next to James, Samantha following us. "Well, he's been getting extremely close to Alex, so I think you should leave them and us alone," I say, anger in my voice. James and George frown. 

"And just to think you were useful for us. Just fucking leave or something bad will happen to your loved ones," he bitterly says and I walk out the dorm. 

Well damn. 


[John POV]

"Hercy..!" I yell from across the room. I hear a loud sigh. "What do you want, John?" he says, annoyed. "I wanna croissant~" I purr. I see his eyes widen as Lafayette's head pokes his head out of his room. "Why!" Hercules complains as Laf begins to jump and down. 

Just then, Peggy walks into the room. "Um, why is Lafayette jumping up and down??" she asks and tilts her head to the side. "Mon ami, croissant." he snickers. Her eyes widen as she starts jumping up and down as well. Hercules groans louder and I hum in amusement.

He darts towards me and I start running around the room. Now, please imagine two men running around in a room and a baguette and bag of sprinkles jumping up and down freakishly.

You see it right?

Now, imagine walking in all of these people when I am being strangled by a bodybuilder with tickles. 

''What the hell?'' I hear Aaron yell. I'm laughing my ass while Aaron just looks at us in bewilderment. "I didn't want to have to do this.." he mumbles. 

"Do what?" I hear Thomas, Eliza, and Jamie ask at the same time. "Angelica! Alexandra! Children!'' he yells. All of us get off of one another and back into a corner. Angelica and Alexandra walk in with a newspaper and sandal. 

"What the hell!" Alexandra says, hitting us with the sandal. "Angelica, help us!" Peggy yelps. ''Nah," she snickers, "Alex is scary enough." And she was right. Alexandra is like a tiny lion at times, like right now. 

After getting our asses beat with a sandal by a gremlin, we all sat on Thomas, Jamie, and Alex's couch. "I... can't believe what I just witnessed..." Jamie says, trailing off. Angelica hums in amusement. 

"Angelica and Alex are like mothers to all of us. Jesus, they will whip your ass if you misbehave." Laf snickers. I slightly see Jamie shudder and Thomas moves closer to her. "Are you two sure you aren't dating?" I blurt out and Thomas and Jamie's faces turn bright red.

"No! Thomas and I would never date each other!" she says defensively. Alex puts a smile on her face. She gets up and walks towards the dorm door. "Where are you going?" I ask with worry. "I'm going to go outside somewhere. I'll be back in a bit." she smiles. I nod and I hug her. "If you die, I will put chocolate on your grave." I joke. She gags.

Alex hates chocolate.


[Thomas POV]

It's been a few hours and Alex hasn't been heard from. I think I know where she is, but I won't tell anyone. That's Alex's private place. "I'm going out, guys. I'll talk to you all in a bit." I said getting up. "Where are  you going?'' John asks."I have to do something, John. Cya," I say closing the door behind me. 


And there she is. Yup. Under the bridge, earbuds in, and drawing? Wow. I never thought I'd see the day the Alexandra Hamilton wasn't writing. I come up beside her without her noticing. It looked like she was drawing someone. They had long, black curly locks, chocolate skin, plump lips- What? Is she drawing me? I tap her shoulder. "Lexi?" I ask, sitting closer to her. Her face turns red and she hides what she drawing instantly. "H-Hey Thomas.." she stutters. 

She's so cute. ''Whatcha drawing, darlin?" I say, having my Southern drawl kick in. Her face gets somewhat redder and she turns away quickly.

I lay my head on her lap and I look up at her. She sighs and starts playing with my hair. "So fluffy.." I hear her mumble. I wrap my arms around her waist and I kiss her hand. She laughs and hugs me. 

"Why'd you come out here anyway? You know, besides to find that sanity." I say sitting up, my arms still around her waist. "I guess I just have to get away from my friends. Or I just come out here to draw, write, listen to music, or all of the above," she responds. "And you like drawing me?" I tease "Yes. No! No." she exclaims, face tinting red again. 

I chuckle, but then I realize I hadn't seen Alexandra eat in a bit. "Alexandra, have you eaten yet?" Her smile quickly drops and looks down. "No si- Thomas," she sighs. I sigh heavily concerned and I pick her up. "Thomas whyy," she complains. "Listen, you have to eat. I don't know why you don't eat, but you need to. You are beautiful just the way you are." She bite her lip and looks into my eyes, but just burries her face in the crook of my neck. 

"Je'taime, mon amour."  I quietly hear her say as she drifts off to sleep.


I look at my watch again. 3:45. Damn. I pull out my phone. I had over 50 messages and 25 missed calls. Most of them were like 'Where are you?' or 'We don't know where you or Alex are'. I sigh but I hear Alex's soft snores. 

I start walking to my dorm but I hear running from up the hall. I didn't think much of it but then I see the crew running towards us shouting. When they got to us, I immediately shush them. "She's sleeping!" I whisper-shout and I point to the sleeping Alex in my arms. "Where the hell were you guys?" Peggy asks as we walk to our dorm. "We were out. I'm sorry, I can't tell you where we were at exactly.'' I say. Peggy rolls her eyes. 

As we entered our dorm, I gently wake up Alexandra. "Lexi, you have to wake up to eat," I say. She groans but she walks to the kitchen. "Can I help you cook?" she asks jumping up and down. I smile, she's adorable.

''Of course, darlin." 




You guys don't understand how fucking happy I am. The sotry has over 1200 words and I'm freaking out! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy a little bit of Jamilton fluff and a few chapters will be out tomorrow! Have a great day!  

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