Chapter 24 - ......

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[James POV] 

Tuesday - 10:26 A.M.

Washington had told the others and me to take the day off because of the events we needed to prepare for in the next few hours. I was currently the Schuylers dorm with the others talking about the plan and what not. Chris was talking the earpiece that James said he wanted to get drunk and he might go down to the pub. But that Alexandra and I had a mission coming up in a few. 

"What is it about?" I ask him, clutching onto John and nuzzling his neck and making him giggle softly. "I'm pretty sure you have to kill one of those men who were with Zachery,'' he states, probably reading off a direction's list. 

"Wait, one of those bitches?" Thomas exclaims, leaving a growl behind that question. Oh right, he was at that ball that night. "Which one? I didn't like the ones that catcalled Alex and commented on her body.." he growled, protectively hugging Alexandra closer, earning a small chuckle from sister. "What time?" she asks Chris. "Pretty sure it's around 3:00 A.M. these directions from your father state,'' he responds. Ha, probably because some of them were French. 

I see Alexander and Philip roll their eyes and scoff. James always didn't like French people. Maybe because of our mother? I will never know. "Il a un problème même si nous parlons et apprenons sur la langue de l'île. Ce bâtard,'' Philip says and Alex smacks him in the back of the head. "You know I don't like those words to come out of your mouth!" she says like a mother scolding her child. "Alexandra Hamilton! You curse on a daily basis!" Angelica says in a sassy tone to my younger sister. 

[Translation: He has a problem even though we speak and learn the language on the island. This bastard.]

''Well how are we killing him again? Knives or guns? Can we do knives? If not, both. But I want him to suffer so let's let him remember! Let's get him sober!'' Lexan exclaims, full of joy. Groans are heard around the room. What is my sister's problem and obsession with knives? I mean, I don't blame her though. We grew with that stuff. 

[Thomas POV]

I honestly wouldn't care less about Alexandra being an assassin, but she doesn't want to be one. It causes too much pain for her. I mean, the insomniac girl has been stressed all this year. I want the old, always happy and grumpy Alexandra Hamilton back. 

I wrap my arms around her waist and she leans into the embrace. Hmm...

I pick her up and she starts screeching. "No! You bastard! Lemme down!'' he screeches more. She starts reaching out to Laf, who by the way, is laughing his off. "You fuck tards...'' she mumbles under her breath. 

I kiss her cheek and she happily hums. "You're lucky I actually love you,'' she says as she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, making me support her body weight. "Stop distributing affection for each other, stupid mortals,'' Jamie growls jokingly. We all chuckle a bit. I missed this. 


[Alexadra POV]

"So you said he was drunk?" I ask Chris through the earpiece. "Should be,'' he says back to me. 

It was around 11:20 p.m. and Philip, James, and I were getting ready to head back to the warehouse where my father was supposed to be drunk. "Hey guys, have you heard from Samantha at all?" 'King' asks us. I see a few of the bunch shake their head no. "She said she needed to head home. I'll go over and check on her when we're done with this,'' James says to him and he nods.

I didn't like the feeling, it was strange. Samantha was always with the Royals, no matter what. Or the other way around, they're always with her. Should I be worried? 

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