Chapter 11 - The Job

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[Lafayette POV]

MONDAY - 6:26 P.M.

I knew Alexandra was out at work, but I never knew where she worked. She never told me and I never felt like asking. "Hey Herc, mon amour, do you want to go out with the others?" I ask him. I hear a 'yes' from the other room and I suppose was getting everyone together because the group chat was going on like crazy.


"Hey, guys!" I hear a female voice call out. "Peggster!" I shout, bringing her into a tight embrace. "BITCH. My boobs!" she shrieks, pushing me away. I apologize and everyone starts appearing.

John, Thomas, Aaron, Eliza, Angelica, Jamie, and Maria! 

"Alright, where are we going?" Angelica says, looking through her phone for a place to go. "We could go to that new diner and bar down the road," John suggested. Everyone agrees and we packed into Thomas and I's cars. 

[Thomas POV}

As we got into the diner, I could've sworn I saw I saw someone familiar. Heh. It was probably nothing. 

Peggy landed us a table near the front of the diner/bar that was so close that you could see the bartenders, waitress, some of the kitchen, and stuff like that.

"Okay," Eliza starts, everyone's heads facing towards her now, "Is it me or does it look like Alexandra is working as a waitress here?" she says. I gasp. "I thought I was the only one who thought that!" I say. "Alex!'' I hear a man call out. "Yes, sir?" a soft voice responds. "Table 5, my dear," he says and I could hear a faint 'yes sir'. Walking out of the back the kitchen was Alexandra. And god damn, wow. 

She was wearing a waitress, sort of skimpy, outfit. She perfectly wore a black skirt, green shirt, and a beautiful green bow that matched her shirt that raised just above her belly-button. No one probably knew until now, but Alex's frame was absolutely stunning. Her chest was sort of huge, but not as huge as Maria's, she was chubby AND slim, like Maria as well, and her thighs and calves... DAMN. 

I felt heat rush to my face as I watched her move towards the back near the bar. And now. THAT ASS. "My god... Petit lion is beautiful!" Laf and John fangirl. "I know. If I wasn't dating Eliza, I would totally go for her! No offense Liza'.." Maria nervously chuckles. "None take!" she happily chirps back. 

Again, we see Alexandra walk back over to the counter with an order in her hand. She bends over the counter and starts talking to some other girl and writing on a piece of paper. "God, she is beautiful.." I mumble, memorized by her movements.

And then Lafayette told me something...


[Alexy POV]

Jesus. I'm already in love with this job. I guess the only thing I hate about it is these clothes but I could survive. "Alex! You've done so great so far! Your shift is over so I'll see you Wednesday, love!" Emily cheers, hugging me. "Mmkay Ems, see you later!" I say but her smile turns into a frown. Then I feel myself getting lifted off the ground. "What the-" 


"Hercules, what the hell! Let me go!" I yell while Emily burst into laughter. Hercules brings me to the Set + Burr, the Sisters, and my two roommates, where everyone was sitting. "O-Oh.. Hi.." I stutter. I quickly turn towards Emily who was holding my phone, bag, and jacket. 

"Hercules you bitch," I say, adjusting my shirt that fit against my frame. I see almost everyone looking at me intensely. "What?'' I say breaking the silence. I catch Peggy move her hands to her chest and then back at me. I blush and we start laughing. 

"Thomas, mon ami, how about you take Alex back to the dorm? I bet she's tired," Laf says, smirking. "Lafayette what? Non!" I say, a little angered and in French. Thomas shrugs as he pulls his keys out of his pocket. He looks at me, slightly blushes, and smiles. "Laf, qu'as to tuit a Thomas? Qu'est-ce que tu us dit a Thomas? (Laf, what have you done to Thomas? What did you SAY to Thomas?'' I ask as he grabs my hand. "Dream," he purrs. My face turns bright red.

That ride home was quiet. 


TW: Heavily implied smut but not exactly? I dunno, just read it

As soon as we got to the dorm, I changed my clothes. I decided that I wanted to cook something or just relax. As I get to the stove, I feel warmth behind me. 


As soon as I was about to question him, he wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up. "Thomas," I call out. he brings me to his room and closes the door behind us. 

He pins me against his bed and his eyes are filled with lust and passion. I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off with a kiss. 

I want this. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and I gasp out slightly, granting and giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Thomas explores every part of it. He moves down to my jawline and neck and starts kissing from there. He looks around for my 'spot' until he finds it. I shakily breathe out and my grasp around his neck gets tighter. I feel him smirk as he begins to bite and suck on my neck. "T-Thomas.." I moan out. My soft moans fill the air and I'm a flustered mess.

I think you know what happens next. 




So, uh, this is my first well 'smut'. It's heavily implied but I hope you guys enjoy! I have a 3- day weekend so I'll try to update more. Have a wonderful day! 

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