Chapter 16 - What I Am, Where I Am, Why I Am

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[Lafayette POV]

MONDAY - 8:24 A.M.

"What the fuck! You would think she would fucking show up! What if something happened? What if James came! What if she's dying?" John rants. I sigh heavily. "John, I'm just as concerned about Alexandra as you are. But from everything she's been through, she's not dead. She's my sister, she's strong. She'll be back." I say, giving him a sad smile, yet reassuring one. 


As we walked through the halls together, we saw the 'Royals'. That consisted of James Reynolds, 'King' George, Charles Lee, Samantha Seabury, and sometimes George Eacker is in that group. But I noticed something. Someone was with them. When I squinted my eyes, I saw her. 

"Alexandra..," I say. Thomas sighs. "I know, she's gone,'' he shakily calls out. "No! She's right there with the 'Royals'!" I excitedly yell as I start running up to her. When I do get to her, I hug her tightly. Instead of her greeting me, she pushes me away. I tilt my head in confusion. 

James Reynolds comes up to her and wraps his arm around her waist. I see her face turn gloomy and she looks down. I look back at Thomas and he looks heartbroken. "Sorry to bother you, but my friends and my girlfriend needs to head to class." he sheepishly says as he walks off with Alexandra and his connard* 'friends'. Samantha hesitates around us before she mouths 'I'm sorry' and walks off to the group. 

I look back at Thomas. Anger, disbelief, and sadness expressed on his face. "Thomas.." Angelica starts, but Thomas cuts her off. "No, I'm fine. I'll live,'' he says before walking off to class. I can't believe Alexandra left us for those connards. 

*[Translation: Asshole/assholes]*


[Alexandra POV]

When school was over, I met up with James and his crew. "Hey, princess,'' James purrs. I let out a low growl. "Let's just fucking go," I bark. He puts his hands up in fake defeat and we start walking to Samantha's car.


After a while, we arrive at this warehouse. This hellhole. "Why are you so feisty sweetie?" James and George tease. "You both know I could kill you at any moment without hesitation?" I snap. They gulp and look down and I see Samantha shudder. I gave her a reassuring smile. I know she doesn't want to do any of this, but George and my father are forcing her to do so. 

As we approach the warehouse, I see Satan himself. ''Hey honey,'' he purrs, just like James. I scoff angrily and I enter the warehouse. This wasn't one of those small warehouses. No. This was more like a mansion warehouse. I glance at the door and I see my father handing all of them $500. I glance at Samantha and she looks guilty for taking the money, but I know she needs it. 

I walk up to my room which has guns, knives, and other weapons scattered the walls. 

Yes, I am an assassin.

I would like to say I wasn't. Back on Nevis before everything happened, father, James, and I were assassins. Still, are. My father was the leader of this gang so naturally, he trained us so when he passed, we could take over. However, my dad let us. James and I thought we were free from that hell hole. Then you know the rest. James went somewhere and never came back, Mom and I got sick but she died and I lived, I came to America and the Washington's adopted me so I had an adopted brother who was Lafayette. Oh, and we can never forget the hurricane so now I have PTSD when it rains hard or when I hear thunder or lightning.

"Lexiii," father calls. I groan as I hear him coming upstairs. "Yes?" I growl when he leans against my doorframe. ''I have a job for you," he bluntly says. I gesture my hands for him o continue. "Mr. Smith hasn't paid his debt. Care to pay him a visit?" "Do I have a choice?" I growl and he smirks. "Oh, and don't be afraid to get bloody,'' he teases while walking out. I sigh as I grab my black suit, my mask, a few knives, stitches, and bandages. Um... just in case. 


[Trigger Warning: Blood]

I made my way to Mr. Smith's house in about 5 minutes. He lived in a rather unsuitable home for him to have so much debt to pay off for my father. 

I approach one of the windows on the second floor which happened to be his bedroom. He sat at his desk and his back was facing me. I quietly opened the window and I approach him. I wrap my arms around his neck but it was loose enough for him to breath and speak. 

"Hey, sweetie. So I've heard you have a debt to pay?'' I say seductively. I see his face turn red but he smirks. "Yes my dear, but you won't be getting any money from me,'' he playfully purrs to me. He chuckles as I roll my eyes. My patience was short.

I take my knife out and I draw to long lines along his arm, blood being drawn. I muffle his screams with my hand. "If you don't want me to cause more pain, you will give me that money. Now." I growl. He nods and I let my hand go. I go to his arms and I stitch his arms up and I wrap them in bandages. 

He shows me his safe and I take almost all of the money out of it. $180,000+ cash in my hand and around $2,500 left. "Good doing business with you Mr. Smith! Tell anyone about this and you'll be in trouble. I know everything. See ya, sweets!" I say as I jump out the window and I head home.


When I get back, I'm greeted with the 'Royals' and father in the main room. "Have fun?" father smirks. I sigh heavily. As much as I hate doing this, I do sort of enjoy it. But I enjoyed it better when I didn't kill people, I just got answers and slightly tortured. I hand him the $180,000+ cash and I start heading up the stairs, but he stops me. 

"Now, I've talked with the boys and Sam. You can't stay here forever so you have to go back to college. However, you must stay with them. Understood?" I sigh. "If they try anything do I have permission to hurt them? They boys I mean." I ask. He nods and I see James, George, and Charles shudder. Sam giggles slightly. I head upstairs, I go to my room, and I close the door behind me.


"Hello, how may I help you?'' I say in the most polite voice.'

''Hey Lexi. I see you've tried to hide, but you can't hide from me. Now, George, Charles, and James are there. As well as some of my best snipers, not including you. If you don't want them to get hurt, I expect you to leave come to me.'' My eyes go wide.                                    ''You...When?''                                                                                                                                                                     ''Now,'' he growls before hanging up. 

Flashback over

At this point, I was in a ball in the corner of the room, debating if I should hurt myself or not, crying silently as well.

I had a breakdown tonight.




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