Chapter 21 - Go To Pain, Not To Sleep

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[Jamesey POV]

SUNDAY - 10:15 A.M

I sighed with relief when Lexan went to sleep. She looks like she hasn't got a decent amount of sleep in weeks.

I make my way to the living room where Asshole, or Charles, was sitting. "Where are the others?" I ask him. He turns to me and then back at the TV. ''They had to go back to the college to put some extra stuff in Alex's dorm,'' he responds, shooting me a slight glare to which I roll my eyes to. "Alright. I'm going out for a while. Don't you dare wake up Alexandra or I will personally knock the shit out of you! Understand Charles?" I say in a harsh tone, one in which James would use. I shudder mentally, hated the tone. I see Asshole flinch and I smirk, satisfied that he gets the idea. "I'll be at the school if Alex wakes up and asks. Thank you, Charlie!" I chirp and I walk out of the house.



I wait at the door until Samantha opens it. "Hey J!" she chirps to me. "Hey, Sam! How are you?" I ask her while she lets me into the house. "I'm good, but you literally just saw me over an hour ago. What's up?" she asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "Nothing much. Lexan's sleeping at the warehouse so I just wanted to stop by here since I'm bored and I have nothing else to really do," I state to her. "Don't you two have a mission later on?" she asks me. As I was about to answer her, a boy, a cute boy, the one that tried to hurt me this morning, with a turtle in his hand came running into the room and behind me. John, I think it was? "John?" I ask the shorter man. "Hide me, James!'' he screeches. I look around the room. "Uh, where exactly do you want me to put you?" I ask. He gives me puppy eyes and I feel heat rush to my cheeks. Why is he so fucking cute?

"Johnathan. Fucking. Laurens! WHERE IS MY TURTLE CHILD?'' I husky voice yells. Probably Hercules. "I'm the one who actually fucking bought Debra, dipshit!" John yells back at him. Hercules then burst into the room, making John jump into my arms. He grips on tightly to my arm and holds the turtle, Debra.

"Johnny, he's not going to hurt you..." I say to the small boy in my arms. He raises an eyebrow to my words and I roll my eyes and I chuckle. "Not while I'm here, I promise," I reassure. He nods and he notices his grip on my arms. "Sorry James!" he exclaims and he loosens his hold. I laugh a little. "It's fine, Jacky," I absentmindedly say and I set him down on the ground. I see a tiny blush appear on his face.

"Yo Jam! Where's my daughter?" Burr calls. I chuckle. Everyone looked at Alex as a daughter, mother, sister, best friend, or baguette. Don't ask about that last part. "She's back at the warehouse, she looked like she needed rest," I respond. He nods as he walks into the room. "She never seems to sleep,'' he adds. I notice the girls (except Sam) and Washington had left. "You guys wanna have a movie night?" John chirps to us. "Nah, you guys can though. Laf, Aaron, and I need to get beauty rest," Herc says, walking out the door with the others being him. "Yeah, same here. You guy have fun and don't be too loud," Sam warns as she walks upstairs to her room.

"Guess, it's just you and me, huh?" he laughs. I laugh too. "Mhm," I reply and I sit on the couch, him joining me and laying a sleeping turtle on the nightstand. "What do you wanna watch?" I ask him, searching through movies on Netflix. He shrugs and he hums while I look for a movie to watch.


[John POV]

After a while, James shuffles closer to me. I didn't think much of it but then he wraps his arms around me, picks me up, and sits me on his lap. Did I mention he's like 6'4 and I'm an elf compared to him! I could feel my face heat up as I start to fiddle with my fingers. "J-James?" I stutter. He puts his face in the crook of my neck and he hums. This sends vibrations right down my spine, making me shudder a bit in his hold. "Jacky, can we just stay like this?" he asks me and wraps his arms around my waist and starts putting kisses along my neck. "Y-yeah," I stutter out.

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