Chapter 4 - Want

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[Thomas POV]

I was confused. Why was Hamilton blushing so much? Everyone was parting ways except for Hamilton and Laf.

"I must be going, but I'll be back tomorrow!" Laf says walking off. That leaves me with Hamilton.


I unlocked the door to the dorm and Hamilton automatically falls onto the couch. "Tired huh?'' I ask her and I sit right next to her. "Yes, but sleep is for the weak!" she shouts. "Mm.. make me coffee," she grumbles.

Now, I usually would argue with her, but I felt like being a dick. I got up and I put the fire on which heats up the pit extremely quick. I slip about 2 sugars into the coffee and some cream.

''Here you go, darlin,'' I say having my accent slip. I see a tint of red go across her face but she takes the cup. As soon as she takes a sip, she spits it out.

"What the fuck, Thomas?!'' she screeches. I laugh. "You fuck! How do you mess up my fucking coffee?!? It's just straight fucking coffee, Jefferson! It's fucking black coffee you bitch...'' she rants. I can't believe she's getting this upset over me messing with her coffee. Then, she starts yelling and ranting in Spanish. Jesus. ''¡Maldito imbécil! ¿Cómo diablos ..!''.

Suddenly, her phone rings and she stops talking. Hamilton picks up her phone and smiles at whoever it is. "Hey Johnny!" she purrs. "Can I come over?" she reasks. "Yeah, I'll be over there in a bit. See you later!" he exclaims.

"Hey Jefferson, I'm going to be out you asshat. I might come home late so I'll be sure to come in extra loud if you are asleep, okay?'' Hamilton says with her voice lacing with sarcasm. I roll my eyes. "Fuck off HamilBitch." I snap. I walk over to the kitchen and I hear a door close in the distance.

Why do I want her to stay?




Hey, it felt like I haven't wrote in like forever! I might post another chapter tomorrow if you guys want? I havent't been having a writers block lately because of my new desk and it makes me want to you know.. write more. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day beauties!

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