Chapter 18 - We're Honestly Trying

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[Hercules POV]

FRIDAY - 9:26 A.M.

Its been a day since Samantha told us about Alexandra. I feel like a horrible friend for being an ass when she was just trying to protect us all. I just - "Hercules!'' Peggy shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes, Peggy?" I ask. She points to Samantha who was sitting in the row in front of us. I nod as Peggy and I quietly move over, sitting to the right and left of Sam. 

'' Hey Sammy!" Peggy chirped happily. ''Hey guys. You look like you need something?" she asks, looking through her almost filled notebook trying to find a paper to write on. "Uh, yeah. We were wondering about Alex. She can't live like this forever," I concerningly say. She sighs as she rips out a piece of paper. ''She's planning something but she hasn't told me the plan just yet. But hopefully, this way she will get out the custody of her father's home and she could stay with you guys,'' she bluntly says, but her eyes were glimmering with hope and worry.

"Hey, she's our Alexa. If we know her, we know that she's going to be okay," Peggy says with a smile that could give so much hope, you couldn't even contain it.


[Thomas POV]

I've never been more worried for a person in my life, well, besides my mother and other siblings. My mother was sick for at least a year a few years ago when I was younger and my other siblings. This sort of made me the one in charge of all of them being the oldest man who was in the house for most of the time. My father was hardly ever around so I did most of the work to get the others what they needed and the bills that needed to be paid. Yeah, I had other siblings, but I refused to let them work so I just overworked myself. 

But with Alexandra... I don't know. It's just different. She means the world to me. Now when I upset her or I hurt her, I feel like I'mm destroying a part of her. When I said what I said yesterday, she looked so helpless... Broken. And Samantha said that was the first time she had been happy in 2 weeks. Not to mention she ha a breakdown. She looks sleep deprived, scared a bit when she's around us, and a little angry at the world all the time now. I can't talk to her or contact her when she's around the fucking Royals so I have to watch her at a safe distance. I have to watch James. Fucking. Reynolds. James Reynolds put his hands on her. My Alexandra. I swear I will kill a- 

"Thomas!'' John yells at me. "God, I swear. You guys have been doing this all day..." he mutters. "Uh... yeah? What do you need?" I ask, not knowing what he had said earlier. "Dude, are you alright? I swear you have been spacing out all fucking day." I sigh. I'm not okay. I'm stressed, worried, sleep deprived, and probably more. I miss Alexandra. I miss hugging her, comforting her, making her smile, laugh, being next to her when I wake up in the morning. John puts his hand on my shoulder. "She'll find a way back to us. She's smart." I smile a little but it still hurts.

''Yes, she's so perfect,'' I hear an annoying voice purr. I look over my shoulder and I see James, the devil himself, Alexandra, and his friends behind him. They were talking to George Eacker and his group of annoying assholes. "Maybe I could test that,'' another voice purrs. Alex's face turns into disgust and he slaps the shit out of this guy and James. She whispers something in their ears and their faces turn into true horror, James mostly. "Samantha lets go,'' she snaps. Samantha lowers her head and she follows behind her. 

She starts walking in my direction and she stares into my eyes. God, I missed those dark brown eyes. I give her a smile that's hidden from the others and I see her face and her ears go bright red. She returns it and mumbles, ''I love you,'' loud enough for me to hear. Just for the act, I give her a look of disgust and she responds to it with a loud scoff and flicks me off, not before giving me her signature smirk and she starts walking off. 

God, I love that girl. 

[Samantha POV]

After what happened with James and all the others, I start to head to Mr. Washington's class. Alex had gone to the bathroom. My schedule had got changed so now I'm with him at this hour. As I reach his door, my phone begins to ring. Damn. Mr. Hamilton.

"Mr. Hamilton. You needed me?'' I ask.

''Yes. Please tell my sweet daughter she will need to start going back to Mr. Washington's class. As much as I hate it. Tell her to not let him know anything, or there will be consequences,'' he states. 

I nod even though he can't see me. "Yes, sir. Have a good day,'' I say before hanging up. I immediately start texting Lexa'. 

SammySeas: Mr. Hamilton said to go to Mr. Washington's class. Don't tell him anything

TortureQueen: Alright. No debate club, right?

SammySeas: Yeah, cya in class Lex

TortureQueen: Mhm

I made my way to Washington's class, stopping a few times to talk to a few friends the Royals didn't know about. 

I enter his classroom and I'm greeted with a smile from Washington. Everybody knows that Martha and George Washington are like the sweetest people to ever walk this world, just like Eliza. And just like Eliza, when they're mad, they are scary as fuck. Besides that, Eliza is an angel. Well, besides when she is with her friends and her girlfriend, Maria Reynolds, Jame Reynold's sister.

I sit next to Alex and I gave her a small smile. She's close yet so far away from everyone who knows and cares about. I wouldn't be able to live like that, but she's doing this for the wellbeing of the others. ''How are you holding up?" I ask her in a hushed tone. Her smirk and smile from earlier had faded and her sleep-deprived features were showing. "I'll live. At least I don't have to debate. That would just be awkward and overwhelming,'' she shrugs. I sigh and I pull out my books for class. 


[Alexy POV]

"Hamilton, please stay after class. Everyone else, you are dismissed,'' Washington says. I groan, but I stay in my seat putting my things away in my bag. "Remember what he said Alex. Please don't crack," Samantha says out of worry. I nod as she leaves the room and I make my way to my teacher's desk.

''Alexandra, I think you know why I called you to stay after class," he says in his bitter father tone. I always hated that fucking tone. I shrug my shoulders. "Alexandra Hamilton.'' Damn. He called me by my almost full fucking name. "You haven't been in my classroom for 3 weeks Now you show up? What's going on?" he asks harshly, disappointment lacing lightly. "Nothing...'' I mumble. "And since when do you hang out with James and his posse? Outside of Samantha of course," he sighs. I sigh as well. "People change, Washington sir," I responded lightly. "Alexandra, you have been friends with the others for years.." he breathes out. I guess he gave up knowing he wouldn't get much out of me. "Just... know you can talk to me about anything okay?" he mutters, placing his hands on my shoulders. I look him in the eyes. I want to tell him everything, but I can't.


Samantha can! 

Sort of..

I grab a sticky note off of his desk and I write down Samantha's address. Good thing her parents are going to be out for at least 2 months now. 'Go there with the others, understood?' I sign. He looks confused, but he nods anyway. I give him a smile and I skip out of the classroom.

All will be explained and sorted out soon..

I promise.


What is good my doods? Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did, my hand hurts like hell.

Have a great day children! 

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