Chapter 5 - Calm

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[Alexandra POV]


194. That was John's room number.

I knock on his door and it immediately opens. "In. Now,'' he growls. He seemed like he was upset. Why? I walk into the dorm and I see the Schuylers and Mariah. They're all crying?

I turn to see John and he looks pissed. "What's going-" "What's going on?! You fucking relapsed Alex!" he shouted. I flinched. "How could you.. we care about you too much.." he trails off and gently grabbing my arm.

All the girls, John, Laf, and Hercules pull me into a hug. I didn't know these two were even here. "I'm sorry, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. "Oh it won't,'' Hercules says, coldness lacing in his voice.


For the rest of the time I was there, everyone was getting drunk off their asses. Lafayette and Hercules were basically fucking in the corner, Mariah and Eliza were debating on unicorn sprinkles, and John, Angelica, and Peggy were fighting over Debra who was in her tank.

I roll my eyes. I never really got drunk. It brought me back to when my father would come back home, drunk off his ass, and he would hurt me or my mother. Most of the time it was me. He would either beat me or rape me. I shuddered at the thought.

I check my phone and it was already 1:36 a.m. Damn, I need to get back to my dorm.


I open my dorm door and I see Jefferson and Madison pacing around. Jefferson turns and looks at me. "Where were you?'' he says bitterly. "I-I was a-at J-John's dad.." I stutter. His face softens and turns into a worried expression. "Dad?" he asks. My eyes widen because of my stupidity. How could I call Jefferson dad? "O-Oh nothing!" I say quickly. Maddison gives me a look but doesn't say anything.

"Have you eaten anything, Hamilton?" Maddison asks. "I'm fine," I respond. I start to walk to my room, but she grabs my arm. "Hamilton. Have you eaten anything?" she says again, but lacing my name with anger. I look down as I mumble a quiet no. Jamie sighs as she pushes me towards the kitchen and puts me on a seat on the kitchen island.

"You need to take better care of yourself, Hamilton," Jefferson says and sets a plate of food in front of me. I look down at the plate of food and my mouth begins to water. I eagerly shove the food down my throat and I moan in delight. "Who made this?" I ask. "That would be me," Jefferson states placing a cup of tea beside me.

''Can you make this every night??" I ask, hopefully getting a yes in response. "If you will eat, then yes." I smile as I put my dish into the dishwasher and I wipe off the table. I see Jamie go into her room. ''You aren't going to sleep, Jefferson?" I ask. "Not right now. You?" he calmly says sitting on the couch. "Nah, can't sleep," I state, grabbing my cup of tea and joining him on the couch. There was a comfortable silence.




I told you guys I would upload today! UwU I might upload 2 chapters today, I wrote a lot in school today.

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