Chapter 20 - Fluff 'n' Comfort

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[Samantha POV] 

SUNDAY - 9:23 A.M.

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I think it's Washington, but as I made my way to the kitchen, I saw Alex cooking. Other started entering the kitchen quietly and we watched as she cooked breakfast. 

"Good morning," she says without turning around. I stare at her in bewilderment. "How did you know we were here and how did you get into the house?" I ask her picking up a cup of tea that was on the counter. "You guess come in a bit loud and your back window wasn't locked tightly" she states as she places food on the table and kisses Thomas' cheek. 

"I'm not staying for long. I have to go," she says while she sips of her coffee and checks her phone. "Why?" Peggy asks. As soon as I said that, a car horn honking is heard from outside. "My ride is here," she says. A knock is heard at the door. I open it and it reveals a guy with dark red hair, close to brown with a peach fuzz in the doorway. "Come on Lex- Oh hello!" he says happily. Everyone was not at the door. I'm not going to lie, he looked like Alexandra and Mr. Hamilton. ''Who are you?" Thomas asks, his voice still groggy. 

"Oh! Er, I'm James Hamilton!'' he chirps.

This wakes everyone up and John grabs his collar. "WOAH GUYS. Not that James. This is my brother James,'' she says breaking the boys apart. "Oops. Sorry dude," John apologizes. "It's fine," he replies. I stare into his eyes. "I thought you were.." I trail. "Dead? Yeah, he gets that a lot now," Alex says for him. "Oh! Before we go, um.. James, this is Washington or Washingdad, Thomas, Lafayette, Maria, Eliza, Angelica, Aaron, Samantha, AND PEGGY." she introduces and Peggy smacks her on the head. "And James," she looks him in his eyes, "This is my boyfriend Thomas." Thomas stands beside Alex.

"Thomas," James says, ''can I speak with you outside?" he asks and Thomas nods. He's about to get that talk.

[James POV]

"You wanted to speak with me?" Thomas asks. I sigh. "Listen, you seem like a great guy. If Alex really loves you, she will go through great measures to protect you. All of you. Such as this one. Now, if you hurt her, not only I will hurt you, but she will as well. She isn't one to cry for hours. When we were younger, she once broke her ex-boyfriend's arm because he cheated on her," I warn him. I see him nod, understand the threats. "I'll try to be the best I can be," he responds. I smile at that.

"Alright! Can we go? Washington is telling me the dangers of unprotected sex," Alex burst out the door, laughter coming from the house. "Wait, what!?'' I yell at them. "Oops! I love you Thomas!" she says as she grabs my arm and drags me to the car, pushing me in. "You had sex! Already?!'' I scream at her. "We used a condom..." she mumbles. I sigh. "Wait for after college to have kids, understood?" I warn her. She nods. 


Alex and I step out the car to the warehouse. "You know, if dad died, would you take over the business?" she randomly asks me. "It has caused so much pain to us and others. Probably not," I respond. "James... I've missed you so much. I thought you were dead, ya know?" she sniffles. I wrap my arms around her. 'i missed you too, Lexan," I say, comforting her the best I can. 

"You know when mom use to love when we would comfort each other? She said 'we were angels that were comforting each other after a demon hurt them'?" I remind her. She lets out a happy and sniffled laugh. "Yeah..." she mumbles into my shirt. "Now, can you come inside for me?" I ask and she nods. I pick her up and I bring her to her room. "Father is still out, we have the house to ourselves for a bit," I mention to her. "Yeah, sure," a low-ish voice says. Standing in the doorway was Charlie? Charles Lee. "What do you want Lee?" I ask him. He scoffs. "Is it a crime to wonder how my least favorite people are doing?" he teases. Alex shoots him a glare that would kill and he scurries out of the doorway. 

"How do you scare them away that quickly?" I ask her. She laughs. "I threaten them constant times. It just makes them run away from me,'' she snickers. I roll my eyes. Alex always had a way with threats and getting into someone's head. She yawns and I frown. "You look exhausted, Lexan. Get some rest?" I suggest, er, more like demand for her. Night Jamesy..." she trails off and goes to bed. 

What a day. 


Yay! How did you guys like this? A bit rushed I suppose but whatever. Enjoy hamil-nerds! 

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