Chapter 10 - Fantasy

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[Alexandra POV]

MONDAY - 5:45 A.M.

I woke up early this morning and I get ready for classes. The thing I love about college is that they don't care about what you wear, as long as you aren't naked or close to that.

I walk into the kitchen and I start making coffee. I hear a groan come from I think Jamie's room. "Jamie?" I quietly call out, but loud enough for her to hear me. "Thomas.." he tiredly groans. His drawl filled the air and I smile. I turn and I face the coffee machine but I feel his arms wrap around my waist. "Good morning," I say. I could feel his chest against my back, he was shirtless. Then he did something unexpected.

He started peppering kisses along my neck. "Thomas.." I shakily call out, but he just kept going. I try to not make any noise until he bites down on my neck. "Thomas!" I call out, louder. Damn. I feel his smirk and he removes his mouth from my neck. "Make me some coffee, darlin?" he asks, still smirking. "Y-yes.." I stutter, flustered from what just happened.


After making Thomas his coffee, I handed to my first class which was Algebra/Math. My neck was sensitive when I moved it in a certain way and I'm pretty sure I have a few hickeys on my neck. when I open the door, I see my teacher, Mr. Adams, at his desk. I also see Angelica and Lafayette in this class. I take an empty seat next to them and I get my notebook out. 

''Petit lion.." I hear Laf say, "is that a hickey on your neck?" he asks. I turn bright red and Angelica gasps. ''It is!" she whisper-yells. 

God why


After my classes were over, I made my way over to the front lobby. I didn't feel like seeing Thomas or Jamie right now.

I feel two hands on my shoulders and I was about to slap them but they caught my hand. "Goddammit, Hercules!" I yell, yanking my hand back. ''Sorry Lexi," he apologizes, rubbing his hand on his neck. He takes a seat next to me and I start writing. "So, a little birdy told me you got a hickey," he snickers. Jesus, news flies fast when it's about me, huh?

"And what if I did get one?" I ask, smirking. He gasps and picks me up. "Hercules, no!" I yell. I see him heading towards my dorm and I start to panic. "Mulligan!" I shout louder, but he just kept going. 

He burst into my dorm and pushes me on the couch that Thomas was on. "Hercules Mulligan!" I yell. He laughs as he goes into Jamie's room, closing the door behind him. 

"Alexandra," Thomas says, moving closer. "T-Thomas.." I stutter, turning red. He pins me against the bed and smirks devilishly. "ThoMAS!" I yell halfway through as he begins to kiss my neck. "Thomas.." I breathe out as he begins to rub my sides. he chuckles in amusement and starts to nibble on my neck. I moan quietly and she starts making marks.

He picks me up and sits me on his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Beautiful," he calls out.

Then I wake up. 

I check my phone to see what time it is. 4:15 a.m. Well, I might as well get ready for the day.


"Laf, what the hell should I do?" I shout, snuggling into his arms. "Petit lion, you should tell him. he says in a reassuring tone. I groan and we start walking towards classes. "Did you talk to him at all?" he asks as I search through my backpack for my notebook and pen. "Not really. My face tinted reed when I did," I mumble. "Well, I have to go, mon lion," he says walking to his first class. 

I sigh heavily as I enter Mr. Adams' room and I take a seat. Jesus. It felt too real. His black, long curly locks near my neck and jawline. His warm body and chest against my back. The way he wraps his arms around my waist-

"Ms. Hamilton?" I hear my teacher say. "Are you alright or do you need to leave my classroom?" he sternly asks. "I'm fine sir, you may carry on," I say with fake, passing cheer in my voice. He glares at me for a while bit continues on with the lesson.


Oh, fucking thank classes were over. In da- Washington's class, I could feel Thomas' eyes on me and Lafayette smirk. 

Stupid Thomas entering my dreams and making me feel emotions. Anyways, I should be getting ready for work. As much as I hate wearing clothes that show off my frame, a girl needs to make money.

Should I tell Thomas and the others where I'm going? Mm.. nah. They'll be fine.




Here ya go u wonderful beautiful people. 


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