Chapter 19 - This Is New

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[Alex POV]

SATURDAY - 9:50 A.M. 

''Lexa! Wake up Sunshine!" my 'father' calls. Although his words sort of sound like slurs, I sit up on my bed. Truth be told, he hasn't tried to rape. Yet anyways. "I'm coming!" I yell back. "Asshole..." I say under breath. 

I trout and drag my feet as my way downstairs. When I go down there, I'm expected to see my 'father' and James and his goons, but this time, it's not that. It was this guy that was with my 'father'.

"Um, who is this?" I ask him. The man looked me up and down which made me feel uncomfortable. "I'm a person whose name is not important right now, Ms. Hamilton," he responds. "Ugh. I didn't like him, I already know it. I turn my father he looks, different? He actually looks scared. What the fuck? If this guy is making James scared, he must be a threat. "Can I help you?" I asked walking towards the kitchen. "I need you to come with me. It is an important mission I would like you to accompany me on," he states. I raise an eyebrow. "Where would we be going?" I ask, sipping on my coffee.

"Saint Nevis and Kitts."

My eyes widen and I spit out the coffee I had in my mouth. "Um, what the hell? Hell no!" I yell at this man. "If you think I am going out of this country, you should find someone to 'accompany on' that fucking mission to do your filthy work!" I yell a tad louder. These people must have me FuCkEd up. "Alexxx please," my 'father plead and slurs his words. I looked at this man dead in his eyes. Something inside me just snapped. 

''Don't 'Alex Please' me! Don't you ever think that I'm going back to Nevis! All Nevis did was cause pain for me and was a hell. Hell for my mother and brother! James hated his life because of YOU and what you did to this family. Shit, he fucking ran away! You ran away with all the money when we needed it most! My mother died in my arms when you should've been there to help her. US. YOUR FAMILY. I HATE YOU!'' I yell, not even caring that there is a random man having to listen to all this family fucking drama. 

My father looked even more terrified which took me back a little bit. Tears were brimming in my eyes and I glared at the man. "I would advise you to leave, please sir," I told him and he went to the door, shutting the door on his way out. When I turn back to my father, his stern glare was back and I'm hit with a hard slap to the face. 

"Don't you ever disrespect me, whore,'' he snaps at me. I sigh as I put my head down. "Yes, sir..." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. I peek a glance at my 'father' who was making his way to the couch, stumbling. Was he drunk? I ask myself. I examined the room. Over 5 beer bottles were scattered across the room and there was one near his seat. No wonder his mood swings. I'm tired, but this must be my day off. Just no telling anyone about, well, this. 


[Samantha POV]

 After explaining everything to Washington, he understood Alex's situation. "Why didn't she tell anyone about this?" he asks me. Now, that was a question I really didn't know. "Maybe she didn't anyone to know about her and that past? Alex doesn't really like to talk about her past with the island," Peggy says. I nod at that. She really didn't. 


Peggy skips to my front door and looks through the peephole. She gasps and swiftly opens the door, picking up whoever was at the door. "Put me down Peggy!" a familiar voice yells and everyone brings their attention to the two. 


We all bolt out to the front door and we embrace Alex into a tight and bright hug. "Guys... I can't breathe," she chokes out and tries to wiggle her way out of our grasp. 

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