Chapter 6 - So?

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[Lafayette POV]

FRIDAY - 9:36 A.M.

I wake up and have a horrible hangover. I go over to the kitchen and I grab an Advil from the cabinet. I feel two arms wrap around my waist. "Morning," Hercules purrs. "Good morning, mon amour. Do you know where Alex is?" I ask. He shrugs. "We're going to her dorm. Get dressed and I'll wake up the others."


After waking up the others (which wasn't easy), are in front of Alex, Thomas, and Jamie's dorm. "Do you think they're here?" John says tiredly. "Alexandra might be up," Mariah states. We open the door and- oh my god.

Alexandra is sleeping on Thomas and he has his arm wrapped around her waist. ''Oh my god!" Peggy whisper squealed. John, Peggy, and Herc start snapping photos. ''Perfect blackmail,'' Jamie says in the kitchen fixing herself a coffee. "When do you plan on waking up these two?" Mariah. "NOW!'' Peggy yells.

Thomas and Alexandra begin to stir awake. As soon as they see who they are sleeping with, their faces turn beet red. They both sit up, but Thomas' hand is still around her waist.

"I bet you two had fun," Eliza purrs. And to think she was the innocent one. Alexandra gets up and starts looking through the fridge. "Jeff, do you have any food from last night?" she asked. "Check the bottom drawer," he groggily says.

Everyone looks confused while I just smirk. Alexandra puts the food in the microwave and waits for it to beep. "Why are you smirking?" John asks me. ''Because petit lion is about to do something fantastic,'' I say. "Oh yes," Alex moans. Thomas and John's faces turn bright red and everyone whips their heads towards Lexi.

"What the fuck was that?" Hercules says. "Jefferson's food is to die for!'' she says stuffing her face. "I'll make more tonight," Thomas states. "Are sure you just don't want to hear her mo-" Angelica cuts Peggy off by covering her mouth with her hand.

Petit lion shrugs and sits back down on the couch. She looked at me closely and her eyes widen. "OH MY GOD, YoU gUYS FuCKEd!'' she yells. Hercules and I's faces turn red as merde and everyone starts to laugh. Alex smirks and walks into her room.


[Alex POV]

Everybody was relaxing in our dorm and I was in my room typing my emotions on my laptop. Then I feel 2 hands on my shoulders and I elbow them in the stomach and I slap. I turn around and I see Hercules on the floor.

"Oy my good..!" I trail off. "Herc, I am so sorry!"

Everyone burst into my room and they see Hercules on the floor in front of me. "It's fine Lex, but damn. John was right, your slaps are hard as fuck." he chuckles.

''Hey Lex, why do you not like people coming up behind you and touching your shoulders?" Peggy asks. I quickly turn to Laf and I begin to worry. "Do you want me to tell them...?" he asks.

No one knows. No one knows except for Laf. Whenever my dad would home drunk he would always come up behind me. I knew he would rape me when he put his hands on my shoulders.

I shake my head no. I don't want them to know. Not now at least. They don't need to be stressed out more because of me. "Alex," Maddison says. "I'm going out." I say grabbing my laptop, phone, and earbuds. "Alex, mon ami. You have-" ''I'm going," I say bitterly.




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