Chapter 17 - We're Going To Try

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[Samantha POV]


It has been 2 weeks since Alex's breakdown. 2 weeks since she had to start going out on more missions, which meant she had to torture at times. God, did she hate that? 2 weeks since she has spoken to her friends, boyfriend, or her adoptive father Mr. Washington. They always look at me with pleading eyes since I seem to be the closest to her right now, but I just can't. 

"Samantha!" I hear a group of people calls. I turn around and I see all of Alexandra's friends. Every. Single. One. Damn it. I start running to one of the more populated areas but the tall ones, Thomas and Lafayette, catch up to me. Damn, they look alike. "I-I have to go..." I stutter out, looking down at the floor and holding my books close to my chest. "Sam, please tell us what's wrong with my dear sister," the French one pleads. DAMN. Sister? This just makes shit harder and riskier. I sigh.

What will I do? Someone I care about can be hurt. Alex's friends could be hurt. I could get hurt. Alex could get hurt. I cannot risk that, she's already hurt enough from the fact she can't speak to her friends and adoptive family. But I know she can't live like this forever. 

"Okay, meet me at my house around 9. John, you have my address." He nods. "Whatever you do, do not let the Royals see you come into or out of my house. Do not try to have a conversation with me. Understood?" I say warningly. They give me concerned and a bit scared expressions but they nod as well. "Thank you for doing this, Samantha," Eliza cheers, hugging me tightly. "I'm doing it for Alex,'' I say to her.

Then, my phone rings. The caller ID said, King. I cringe at the name he had put in my phone. I would change it, but he would just change it right back. "Yes?'' I ask. ''Charles, James, and I are skipping for the rest of the day. I know how much your education means to you so I'll let you stay. Keep a close eye on Alex, she might try something. Be safe you two,'' he says and then he hangs up. ''Hey guys?" I ask, their heads lift up towards.

''Come with me.'' 


It was around 12:27 and we were going to the back of the college. This is where Alex would sometimes take me when she needed to skip Mr. Washington's class. 

And there she was. Her back was against the wall, eyes closed, and she was throwing a knife at the wall across from her repeatedly. "Samantha?'' she bitterly says. Her eyes are still closed. How did she know? ''Why are they here?'' she asks, still talking in her bitter tone, but her voice sounded strangled. What do expect from a girl who cries almost every night? "Alex, please. I'm sorry. Was it us?" Angelica and Herc and ask in sync. Alex and I do the same thing, but we sigh. 

Alex gets up and starts walking in the other direction to the front of the school. ''Alexandra, please! I know everything isn't perfect in your life. I'm sorry if I wasn't enough to help you feel better about yourself. To make you feel loved more than you already are. And I am so, so sorry for making your life a living hell in high school. Alexandra Hamilton, I'm sorry for making you feel like...

I'm ruining your life.'' 

When he said those exact words, Alex turns to Thomas and runs up to him. Tears were in her eyes. She starts crying into his chest and grips onto the ends of his shirt. Now, everyone was apart of the hug, sobbing messes. Well, not me. "I'm sorry.." she mumbles. I was going to say something, but her phone bings. Her eyes widen and her breathing becomes uneasy. The group hugs her reassuringly and she calms down. I take her phone out her pocket and I scan over the text she had gotten from King. "The Royals are picking us up, Lex. We need to go," I tell her and she nods. "I love you, Thomas," Alex says and she kisses his cheek gently. "I love you all. Don't mention talking to us and don't talk to us at all. Only when we're by ourselves. I don't hate you guys. I'm sorry, something going on and if I get you guys involved, you could get hurt." she says before running off with a smile on her face. 

"Thank you," I smile at them. Thomas and the other looked confused. "Why?" Lafayette asks. I sigh. "That's the happiest she's been in these past 2 weeks. She missed you guys so much. I'll explain everything when you come over," I say following behind Alex. When we reach the front of the school, her smile is faded. "I-I can't just sit back and watch them suffer worrying about me. I can't let Thomas blame himself when he doesn't know what's going on and why!" she cries out. I know she's about to have a breakdown so I wrap my arms around her tiny but muscular body. "You're strong. You will get through this, I know you will." I reassure the weeping girl. "You just need a plan." 

She perks up and smiles widely. I know that smile. It's the 'I have a crazy plan that will probably work but like 89%' smile. Just as she was about to tell me what she was thinking about, the Royals pull up in my car. "Get in bitches!" Charles growls. George gasps angerly and smacks him upside the head. "Don't you dare talk to Sammy that way! And don't talk to a girl that could kill you under a minute a bitch either!" he defends. Charles looks at us apologetically and shudders when Alex shoots him a glare that could kill. 


7:42 P.M.

"Alright Ms. Seabury, be sure to drive safe on your way home!" Mr. Hamilton purrs as I make my way to the car. Eww. I know he likes younger girls. But just, just eww man.

I made my way to my parents' house, they were out for a week in London with some family over there. As I made my way into the driveway, I see the Revolutionary Set, the Schuyler Sisters, and Maria just pulling up in their cars. "You came?" I say, a little surprised. 'Why wouldn't we?" Angelica says, a little upset. I nod at her tiny bit of anger and I let them inside the house. "Turn off all of your phones please," I say while I start making a cup of tea. ''Why?" Peggy asks. '' Do you want to know what's wrong with Alex?" I ask and they quickly turn all of their phones off. I inhale greatly. 



I watched as their jaws dropped. Peggy looked very worried, but she looked like she just saw Superman. "So,'' Lafayette starts, "Alexandra has been in assassin this whole time?" I shrug my hands awkwardly. "She wasn't really an assassin this whole time after her father left. When he came back that's when he threatened to hurt you guys if she didn't go with him." I state. "Why do you emphasized assassin?" Burr asks. "Because she doesn't kill people. At least not anymore. She just roughs them up to the point where they give her what her father wants. Alex's not evil though so she just patches them up and then done with that." I see him nod in a tiny bit of understanding. 

"And why did you tell us to turn our phones off?" Jamie says, speaking up finally. "They could easily listen to our conversations without us knowing if they were on," I answer simply, sipping on my tea {SiS}. "You guys should get back to your dorms, the Royals might suspect something. If they ask you where you guys were, say you were at the bar, mmkay? And if you need anything, come to me at night or when I have classes without any of them in there." The start walking towards the door. "Goodnight Samantha," they say walking out. 

What a night.


[Peggy POV]

We all collapse into a different spot in my dorm and just sit in silence and awe. ''Damn, no wonder she had such perfect abs.." I hear Thomas mumble but I heard him. "So what are we going to do?" I ask taking cotton candy out of my bag. "I don't know. What can we do?" Lafayette exclaims, pacing back and forth. Like sister like brother, I think. 

''Samantha might have some information to help us. Hercules and I will talk to her in class tomorrow," I state and I grab a large cup of Pepsi out the purse. ''Don't worry guys, we'll get out Lexi back!" I shout. They all stare at me and my food in awe. "Where the hell are you getting all this food from? Your bag isn't even that big!" he says in amazement. ''MAGIC!'' I yell and I do jazz-hands. 




So was this chapter worth it?



Oh well. 

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