Chapter 23 - Something He Will Never See Coming

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[Alex POV]

MONDAY - 9:25 P.M. 

"We could always just take a gun and shoot him dead,'' James suggest. I was about to take a sip of some red wine when someone snatched the glass out of my hand. "Alexandra..'' Lafayette groans. "You're drinking, you never drink petit lion,'' he says and places the glass in the fridge. Damn. "Baby, I know you're stressed but you can't resort to alcohol,'' Thomas mumbles and wraps his arms around my waist. I moan in pain. "Maldita sea, Thomas. Eso duele,'' I groan and his grip around me loosens. "What happened?" Angelica asks and everyone who was there that night shoots her a look. Others who weren't there starts paying attention to the newly made conversation. That look they sent her sort of said something like: "Don't push it, Angelica." I didn't say anything and this pissed the boys off. Hercules comes and picks me out of Thomas' grasp. Then he proceeds to hug me in a tight hold. 

[Translation: God dammit, Thomas. That hurts,]

"HOOlyyy  shit, don't do that Herc..." I groan from pain and the sudden hold he had put me in. "Tell us what happened, Lexa. Then I can let you go,'' he says in that reassuring tone that I can't keep anything from. "Fine....h..,'' I mumbled. "Say that again?" Angelica says and Herc tightens the hold. I look at James and he nods, letting me tell them. "FinEE! SHit! HE made them rape me! He made them rape me! Hercules, please let go!" I cry out. "Who is they?" Lafayette asks and Herc sets me down, then pulling me into a hug. "Um... the Punishers. If you go against James, he'll get them to hurt you in the worst ways possible. It's supposed to be a way of discipline but it's more like hell,'' I say and I bury my face into Herc's chest. "Fuck thu. Ghoirtich sin,'' I say, it comes out muffled but he understood. "Tha fios agad nach robh mi a 'ciallachadh, Lex. Duilich,'' he says in a sincere tone. I know...

[Translations:  1. Fuck you. That hurt  2. You know I didn't mean it, Lex. Sorry.]


"Who is it?" Maria asks. I squeeze Hercules' arm. James gets up and he starts to open the door. I squeeze my eyes shut in a panic until I hear this voice. 

"You! What's good JJ?" I hear a familiar voice say to my brother. I knew that nickname... The only person who would call him that was me and...

''Philip??!'' James and I scream in sync. 

I jump out of my friends' arms and I wrap my arms around the body who I missed. "Oh my fucking god! Oh my fucking god! You mother fucking bitch! I missed you so much you cockhead!" I squeal. "Ah, I missed you too, you slut shithead,'' he says to me. I flinch mentally at his words but I made sure he didn't see it. No one really needed to know how much that word effects me now.

"Ahem,'' Eliza coughs. Eliza didn't really like swear words. The think they are words that worship the devil. Which is sort of true? "I don't like ugly language,'' she says to me, growling under her breath a bit. James, Philip, and I chuckle a bit. We always liked to talk to each other like this back on the island. 

Philip's gaze catches John's. Now that I think about it, the two boys looked very similar. The only thing was that Philip had a lighter shade of brown hair and was just a few inches short than John. "How'd you get here anyway, Pip?" I ask him. "Oh! Chris. ANd he told me what your father did last night. I'm sorry, Leanabh Lex'' he apologizes. I wave it off. "I'll live. Besides, we're going to kill him anyways,'' I say with no emotion in my voice like a serial killer. Hercules sends a glare his way since he was one of the only ones who knew the language. Philip frowns and his eyes go wide. 

[Translation: Baby Lex]

"Holy shit! Alexandra Hamilton! Do you know that is a death wish? James fucking Ham, you are letting her do this?" Philip yells us like an upset father. James nods. "I'm helping her do it,'' he also says, no emotion as well. After realizing his words, James and I glance at each other and we raise an eyebrow. "Are you sure about it?" we say in sync. He rolls his eyes. "Okay maybe not a death wish, but you know how dangerous he is,'' he mutters. Yeah, all know the lengths he would go. 

My eyes then flicker with confusion. "Why are you even here, Philip? I thought you still had a year left in Brasil. "Sim, mas seu pai disse que ele tinha uma missão para mim aqui,'' he says in Brazil's native language. The only reason I know it is because we send each other secret messages and the people we work with didn't know how to detect it (even though Goog Translate exists). "I'm on a termination mission,'' he includes. This makes me and everybody else's eyes furrow in worry. "Cò chuir e thu an seo airson crìoch a chuir air?'' James asks him.

"[Translations: 1. Yes, but your father said he had a mission for me here. 2. Who did he send you here to kill?]

"Oh, I think her name was Martha Washington?'' 



Everyone's eyes grow as big as saucers and I hear Lafayette and George (Washington) let out a low growl. "That's our mother," Lafayette and I say in sync, anger lacing in our voice. "Holy shi-" I cut him covering his mouth with my hand. I always hated when Philip cursed, even though I did on a daily basis. I'd give him another year until he can curse around me. 

"It's fine, Pippy. It's not your fault. Nós vamos matá-lo, então não importa em breve,'' I shrug and reassure him. He nods and I remove my hand. "So what are we going to do?" my father asked. 

[Translation: We're going to kill him so it won't matter soon.]


Hmm. "I don't want a loud murder. How about we just hired one of my boys to snipe him? Oh, or we could just always torture him and then rip out all of his organs. And just watch the blood and organs slowly drip down the side of his body. Watching the soul drain from his eyes,'' I say sadistically, forgetting that I'm talking to far normal people than I will ever be. James and Philip look unfazed with this because we use to have to do and plan things like this back on the island while the rest of the look horrified. Eliza, Washington, and Hercules? Not so much. Eliza is studying to work as an ER nurse, Washington fought in a war, and Herc has watched too many movies. 


I hear Washington let out a sigh and hear him mumble something other the lines of 'how the hell is this my daughter and why am I proud?'. "Anyways, how about something less gory?" Eliza suggest. I hear replies of agreement and I sort of feel sad about it. Philip and James laugh at the action. ''But she is right,'' Peggy starts, ''we don't want the murder to be loud. It would draw in attention from houses down the road.'' 

"Why don't you just kill him when he's drunk? He wouldn't really care about death at that point when he's in that state," Charles speaks up. Huh. Now that you think about it, that's not a bad idea. "Sorry you don't have to kill him in one of the goriest ways possible,'' Chris says into James, Philip, and I's earpiece. 


"Holy fuck. Chris what the fuck. You better not say shit,'' I say to him, earning a few confused looks from the bunch. ''Relax. I want him dead as well.'' The three of us let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, it's settled. The three of us will try to get him drunk. Chris, you update us on what he does. Guys, you're back up. Girls, you make sure everyone stays alive,'' James orders and we nod.

And then my phone vibrates...

Demon: I think you know that Philip is going there. Chris should've told you two. I'll let you three catch up but I want some beer by tomorrow night. 

TortureQueen: I'll have Sam drop it off. I'm busy with school work tomorrow.

Demon: Good. You better play games with me, Alexandra. I will make you suffer for it.

TortureQueen: Understood.

"He should be wasted when we get there tomorrow. Samantha, can you pick up some beer and drop it off there?" She nods. I grin.

So it's settled. 


What is good my dudes! 

*Whispers* Only two more chapters (one which includes the epilouge). 

HaVe A gReAt DaY

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