Chapter 13 - I Told You

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[Alexandra POV]


"Tommy?" I ask, walking into his room where he was working on some paper at his desk. "Yes, my dear?" he asked, looking up from his paper. I blush at his drawl. "Do you mind taking me to work?" I ask, putting my hair in a bun. "Are you sure you want to go darlin? You haven't slept at all."

And he was right. I was an insomniac and I didn't go to bed until around 4 in the morning. But I guess that's what coffee is for... right? I just couldn't stop thinking about what I saw around the corner. That person just looked exactly like him. Well, at least what I could remember about him. I haven't seen him in years.

"I'll be fine, Tommy. I already promise Emily I would show," I say, smiling. Thomas frowns but that frown turns into a small smile. God, I loved that smile. "Alright, if you say so. Let's go," he says, getting up from his desk.


I was honestly tired, and I'm usually never tired. I caffeine probably wore off. "Hey, Lex, you've worked hard enough. You can go," I hear my manager say. I was going to argue about me not leaving, but someone walks into the store. I looks like...


I start to panic and I grab my things quickly. I check out and I grab my mug from earlier. But as soon as I reach the door, I feel two hands on my shoulders. I guess my instincts didn't kick in because my consciousness knew who it was, as much as it didn't want to. I turn around and I see him.

"Y-yes, sir?" I ask and stutter lightly. "Hey princess, did you miss me?" he smirks. I shudder. He pulls e to a booth and forces me to sit down. "Do you know why I'm here princess?" he smirks and purrs. I shake my head, full of fear. "Well, I've been getting lonely. My other wife left me a few months ago. I need someone to start fulfilling my needs, princess." I face turns in a scared and disgusted one. "You make me sick," I growl. He scoffs.

"If anything, you're the sick one," he growls back. I couldn't believe this man! ExCUse me? I get up to leave but he puts his hands on my shoulders. Instead of slapping him. I knee him where the sun doesn't shine, sweety. I immediately start running toward college.

My eyes begin to water at this point but I could hear the faint footsteps behind me. Instead of heading to my dorm or my friends', I knock at a random door. As soon as the door opens, I bring myself in and I lock the door behind me. I give out a shaky sigh.

I know my dad. Well, I know his crazy side. He wouldn't knock on the door. He would only get you were vulnerable. When I look up, I did not expect to see them.

Samantha Seabury and Charles fucking Lee.

"What the hell are you-" "Alexandra! Are you okay?" Samantha says, cutting him off.

"I-I..." my eyes begin to water and Samantha immediately hugs me. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me," she says, reassuring me with her heavenly smile. "Charles, can you get some blankets and a pillow? Alexandra is staying with us for the night." Charles scoffs. "Lee,'' she bitterly says. I even flinch at her aggressive tone. Charles quickly rushes back to retrieve the items and sets them up on the couch.


Samantha and Lee have gone to bed by now. But I just couldn't sleep. I check my phone. 2:47 a.m.. I should leave soon. I write to Samantha and Lee and note thanking them for letting me stay with them for the night, even though I didn't sleep at all.


When I reach my dorm, I'm hesitant. What if they yell at me? What if they're angry at me? What if they think I've done something horrible? I heavily sigh as I knock on the door 3 times. I hear loud shuffling. Lafayette quickly opens the door, gasping when he sees me. He quickly pulls me in and hugs me, but I stay silent. I think I lost my voice out of the shock of what happened a few hours ago.

"Alexandra Hamilton!'' I hear Thomas yell. He seems extremely upset. I haven't heard him yell like this, only before we came friends. Never while we were. I stayed silent knowing I couldn't speak. I hear loud shouting and yelling, but after a while, everything becomes muffled.

Flashback Bich

''Daddy, mommy, James, please stop yelling.." I cry out. My family was fighting once again. My father was accusing mom of going out and sleeping with other men. Again. Then, before I could even see anything, I hard slap comes to my face.

"Shut up bitch! Maybe if you weren't born we wouldn't be having these problems!" he screams. This caused both my brother and mother to start yelling more. This time, I knew it was about me because I could hear my voice being said every few seconds. I just wanted it to stop.

Flashback over

"Stop fucking yelling!'' I hear Lafayette scream. Of course, him being my adoptive brother and all, he was the first I told about my father, past family situations, and my flashbacks and how to spot them. ''I'm sorry.." I choke out, my voice not being all there, but I think they could all hear me. Lafayette picks me up and brings me to my room, closing the door being us.

"He came, didn't he?" he says, anger and extreme worry lacing in his voice. I nod and he hugs me tightly. "Alexandra, I am so so sorry I wasn't there. If I would've known who would find you, I would've prevented it from ever happening." he rambles. "Je n'ai jamais, jamais voulu que cela vous arrive. Je suis tellement désolé Alexandra." he rambles on. I rub his back, assuring him it wasn't his fault.

[Translation: I never, ever meant for this to happen to you. I am so sorry Alexandra.]

"Do you still know sign language?" he asks, pulling himself out of the hug. I nod. 'Bitch, do you know me? I never forget anything. I'll explain everything to you and the others in the morning. You all better go to bed, you need it. And if you don't, I won't hesitate to whip your asses.' I sign. He gives a slight chuckle and a sad smile. "Night petit lion," he says before walking out. I sigh and I fall asleep.

[Lafayette POV]

I quietly shut the door and I sigh in exhaustion. My little sœur [sister] is safe. I need to find this James and stop him before he hurts anyone of my Alexandra again.

"Laf, is she okay?" they all yell at me. I motion them to be quiet as I point to Alex's room. They all nod understanding. "So?" Peggy says in a hushed tone. "She said she'll be okay, but I'm pretty sure she'll still be scared. She lost her voice so she probably won't speak for the next few hours or day." I say, getting a glass of water.

I see confused looks on their faces until John speaks up. "When Alexandra sees or hears something from her past that had traumatized her, her voice will not return out of shock, anxiety, or both." he covers up. ''She also wants up all to go to bed. We are all sleeping here, correct?" I ask, but mainly double-checking with Thomas and Jamie. They both nod, as same with the others. We all go to our sleeping positions.

Hercules wraps him arms around my waist and snuggles his face into my neck. "I hope Alexandra gets better," I hear him say, voice cracking a bit.

"I hope so, too, mon amour.''




Okay, so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll start to try to update daily if that's what my sleeping and work schudule lets me do. Anyways, have a great day!

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