Chapter 7 - It's Okay, Thomas

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[Alexandra POV]

FRIDAY - 11:15 A.M.

I've been so stressed and school hasn't even started. I'm near the bridge blast Waving Through A Window by DEH into my ears. The only place I find true sanity.

"Alexandra?" I hear a muffled voice say. I turn left to see..


I take earbuds out. "Hamilton, we've been looking all over for you! Why are you here?" he says. "It's the only place I can find true sanity. Jesus, I love my friends but I need time for myself." I state. "Why'd you leave?" he quietly says. "Family memories..." I whisper. "Your father.'' he emotionlessly says. "W-what do you mean?" I stutter. "You talk in your sleep," he says sitting next to me. "I promise I won't tell anyone." I give him small smile. "Thanks, Jeff-" "Call me Thomas." I smile more. ''Thanks, Thomas."

We both get up and start walking toward campus. "I bet they called Washington," I mumble. Thomas chuckles. "You bet they did. You should probably call him back. They called you like crazy."

I pull out my phone and I see I have 35 missed calls and over 100 messages. I decide to call my foster dad.

Washington: "Alexandra!" he yells.

Me: "Washington look-"

Washington: "I'm not mad. Laf told me and Martha."

Me: "One, Martha and I, and you aren't?" I ask.

Washington: "No, I just wish you would've told us sooner."

Me: "Thanks, George."

Washington: "Don't worry about. Now get your ass back to your dorm." he says bitterly.

Me: "Cya!"

"So?" Thomas asks. "It's okay, Thomas," I say with a smile on my face.

I text everyone to let them know I'm okay and I need to relax.

Turtle: Movies at T&A's dorm

Stayyy: I'm down

GoodinBlue: I'm coming

Frenchfry: No beer or wine

Horsefucker: No promises


Yep, there was beer and wine. Almost everyone was drunk except Thomas and I.

"I'm guessing you don't drink?" he asks me. I shake my head no. "Only if I'm painfully stressed/ I say calmly. A yawn escapes my lips and Thomas frowns. "You need rest, Alexandra." I shake my head no as another yawn escapes. This time Thomas picks me up and puts me on his bed, then he lays beside me.

"ThomAss, no," I bark. "Thomas yes. Now sleep or no more delicious food for you," he growls. I roll my eyes as I turn, back facing him. Then, I feel an arm around my waist.

"Tho-" "Shush, just go to bed." he hums. I feel my face heat up as I drift off to sleep with warmth against my body.




I fucking finished you beauties! Enjoy!

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