Chapter 8 - Sparks and Ashes

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[Thomas POV]

SATURDAY - 12:25 P.M

I woke up with some person sleeping next to me. "Well, I didn't know I would see thing sight again,'' I hear a French accent say. "Laf.." I groan and my hold on Alexandra gets tighter. My face turns red as I let my grip soften. 

As I get up from the bed, I hear a soft groan and Alexandra grips my arm. I sigh and I pick her up and I take her to the kitchen. "Black," she mutters loud enough for me to hear. The others begin to stir awake and Alexandra walks over to the fridge and puts the bacon besides me. "Can you get me the grits from the cabinet?" I ask handing her coffee. "Too short..." she trails off sipping on her warm drink. 

I roll my eyes and she beings to cook the bacon. She seems nice in the morning and quiet to say the least. 

I see her struggling to the seasoning from a high cabinet. I come up behind her and I grab it for her. "Mmthanks," she says. I never noticed her Carribean drawl in the morning until now. 

I put some grits on and I make me a cup of coffee. Two cups of sugar and a bit of cream/milk. Just how I like it. 

Others were awake and we began to eat. "This isf goodf," Maria says stuffing her face. I smile but Alexandra looks exhausted, even though she just slept?  What the hell? "Lexa, finish eating and go back to bed," I say. She opens her mouth to argue but a yawn escapes. "Lexi, when was the last time you slept beside last night?" Eliza asks, worry heavily lacing in her voice. " I don't know. I usually get 4 hours of sleep." she grumbles. I roll my eyes as I take her empty plate and I place it in the sink and I turn around and I pick her up.

"Thomas..," she says rubbing her cheek against my chest. Aww, cute. I lay her in her bed and I tuck her in. She immediately falls asleep as her face hits the pillow. Baby girl needs sleep. 

When I walk back towards the living room, everyone's eyes are on me. "What?" I ask. Lafayette smirks. "So..?" he starts. I tilt my head in confusion like a dog. 

"Do you like her?" John bluntly says. I scoff. "No! I just care about her! I was an ass in high school and I want to do any and everything to make her feel better." ''Sure.." Hercules says.


[Peggy POV]

Okay, what the fuck is going on? Since when did Thomas get to carry Alexandra? And did no one else see when she rubbed her face against his chest?

"I know what you're thinking, Pegs," Eliza says braiding her girlfriend, Maria's, hair. "But everyone has to be thinking about it!" I say turning to the crowd of people in the dorm. 

"Try to whisper, Pegs," John says, pointing towards Thomas and Jamie in the hallway. I roll my eyes and scoff. "Can we just make them fucking kiss already?'' I groan. 

"Make who kiss?" Lexa' says from behind me. "Oh, nothing!" I quickly say. She shrugs her shoulders, too tired to figure who we are talking about. Alex heads to the kitchen. Probably to make herself some coffee. 

John gets up and walks towards Alex. He whispers something into her ear and her face turns bright red. "Really?" she tries to whisper to him. John nodded and her face became even brighter if that is even possible. 

Fun fact about Alexandra Hamilton: If she doesn't get enough sleep she'll forget what happened a few hours of the night before, 

John probably told her what happened with her and Thomas. I hope she doesn't freak out too much.

Hah. Just kidding. This will be hilarious.




Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. My motivation has been really low but now here's one of the many chapters I've worked on. Have a wonderful day my wonder frenchfries! 

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