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The night sky is completely black with no stars to be seen and the full moon shining brightly. The only sounds that can be heard is the moving water of the river and the bugs buzzing through the tall grass.

The pale boy soaks in the silence, staring up at the bridge that stands above him to make sure there aren't any cars to break the peace of his last moments. Satisfied with what he finds, he throws his head back to slip the many white capsules down his throat, swallowing thickly as he chugs the water he holds in his other hand.

Tossing the bottle aside, he slowly walks into the water until he is completely submerged, allowing himself to float onto his back. Feeling peaceful at last, he closes his eyes and drifts into what he intends to be an eternal sleep. However, just as he feels his heart slowing and mind growing drowsier, an immense sharp pain is felt at his neck, causing him to cry out and try to rip his attacker off of him. He thrashes, then feels what he guesses to be claws rip into the rest of his body, an iron grip holding him there. He opens his eyes to see what looks like a woman to be attacking him, a mess of damp hair sticking to his face. He whimpers as he feels his life force being drained from him. He begins to feel weak, the mixture of the drugs and the blood loss taking it's toll on him. The creature pulls away, and just before he closes his eyes, he sees the blurry and unfocused image of a woman's face, her mouth open as his blood drips from her long white fangs.

And with that, the blackness finally envelops him.

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