Chapter One - The Blood Drive

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A locker slams loudly beside my head which causes me to wince, the sound ringing in my sensitive ears.

The idiot who slammed said locker laughs obnoxiously, causing me to want to rip into his throat and indulge in his stupid steroid-infested blood. Instead, I look up into his ugly face and give him my best bored look.

"Great facial expression emo. Take it off your face before I punch it off." The meathead snickers, his face scrunching up into a snarl as he removes his hand from the locker, not even an inch away from where my face is. I roll my eyes, I can't deal with this today.

"Yeah, yeah. Move on Matt, I've got a class to go to." I say boredly, turning around to get into my locker and grab the textbook for my next class. Bad move, I think a split second before I feel the force of his meaty hand slamming my face into the locker I was trying to open. It hurt, don't get me wrong, this guy is strong and pretty much anyone else would be crying at this point with possibly a broken nose. However, I'm not like most people and instead I move my face to where my cheek is pressed up against the metal, and I look back at Matt through the corner of my eye. I grimace to make it seem like I'm in a lot more pain than I actually am, and am greeted with the sight of his gorilla face being  uncomfortably close to my own. I can smell his disgusting breath as he continues snarling in my face, and I'm filled with the need to vomit at the stench of his putrid stink-breath.

"Listen here Gerard Way. I'm not going to put up with your bullshit. You listen to me, and you don't  fucking talk back. Period. I don't know what's been up with you lately, but this bad attitude is not making me happy. Now you fucking shut up and do as I say, or you're going to get really hurt. You hear me?" He says threateningly, gritting his teeth in pure anger.

Not wanting to cause anymore of a scene, I just nod my head slowly. He releases me, causing me to take a second to peel myself off the lockers and balance myself, taking a deep breath to clear my nostrils and lungs of gorilla shit. As I do this, I hear the meathead snort again as he tsks, then there's only the sound of him walking away. I sigh, already exhausted even though the day has just begun. The whispers and stares of students around me aren't subtle, but I've grown used to them over time. This isn't anything new, and even with all the changes I'd been going through this year, I'm still dealing with the same old crap. I unlock my locker, noticing a small dent in it, and grab my algebra 2 textbook. As I shut the locker and walk down the hallway towards my class, I'm stopped by a very tall and lean boy with red hair, his face practically a constellation of freckles.

"Hello! Sorry to bother you, just wanted to ask if you'd be interested in signing up for the blood drive that's happening this week?" He asks brightly, tapping his clipboard as he turns it towards me. It takes me a second to process what he said considering the words spilled out so fast I almost couldn't catch it. I move my eyes from his green ones and look down at the clipboard in front of me. As I read the top of the paper, it clicks what he asked and I immediately shove the clipboard back towards him and away from my person.

"Uh, no thanks." I say, starting to turn away from the boy and head to the class that I'm going to be late to any minute now. The ginger haired boy frowns, a crease settling in between his eyebrows. He grabs onto my arm, stopping me from continuing on my way.

"But why not?" He asks, appearing to be very irked at my rejection.

"Because I can't. Now, would you please let me go? I have a class to get to." I say irritably, trying to tug my arm free from his grasp. The boy's frown grew, looking honestly baffled that I'm rejecting the chance to give my blood away. He still doesn't let go of my arm, and the fact that despite my crazy amount of strength he can still hold onto me like this is making me a little uncomfortable and wary.

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