Chapter Four - Matt's Minions

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"Fucking loser."

This is all I hear before my head is being slammed into the classroom door I was about to open.

Snickering, Matt and his goons (why do bullies always have goons? And they say vampires are the ones with mindless servants) walk away from me as I once again have to peel myself off of another piece of the school's property.

Like usual, it doesn't really affect me, but it ticks me off at how much of an inconvenience it is, especially at times like this. The bell decides to go off while I'm recovering, making me officially late to another class. I always strive to be on time, despite how unmotivated I am to actually be here and participate. I reason that since I don't try with anything else, I can do this one thing. However that one thing never seems to work out, either because of demon boys bothering me or an ugly meathead decides to be a dick. I've been suspended for absences and skipping, which made my parents absolutely furious.

But they never asked me what was wrong.

Releasing an irritated breath, I open the door and slowly slide in, slouching and hiding my face so I don't have to look at the many eyes that are on me as I quietly make my way over to my desk. I drop my bag to the floor beside it and sit down, chin propped on my hand lazily, as usual, looking up at the teacher boredly.

"Thanks for finally joining us, Mr. Mavis. Would you like to explain to us what we'll be learning today?" Soft snickers echo around the room as the teacher calls me out. "Seeing as you're late, you must've already known what it is and didn't feel like you had to be here on time."

Okay, smartass.

I let out another breath, irritation building.

I'm in a bad mood.

I flick my eyes up to the board quickly, scanning the words written on the side which tells us what our homework will be for the night. He writes it at the beginning of every week, and I don't see how he could forget that.

"Any day now, Asher."

Another pulse of annoyance flashes through me. I lean back in my chair and look up at the ceiling as I inhale and answer in a bored tone:

"We're learning about the Civil War. Today we go over the cotton plantations, which was started in the 1800s, and was large enough during that time to be compared to the oil industry in the 21st century. Thanks to the blatant racism of white supremacists in the South, slaves were used in the plantation fields and were treated like shit, despite other countries obviously having moved on and realizing that these people were humans too. Over time the North wanted to ban slavery, which in turn caused the dumbasses in the South to think that the North was trying to threaten their ever-so-important cotton sales and pissed them off. Leading to the start of the Civil War. That's what we're learning today."

When I look back down, I notice the teacher staring at me with his mouth open, seemingly blown away with my choice of language and obvious disrespect in his classroom. The other students are staring as well, though most seem to be either trying not to laugh, or are chuckling to themselves quietly. Some seem just as stunned as the teacher.

"Any day now, Alfred." I say, echoing the man's words back to him, using his first name purposefully as blatant disrespect.

Immediately, his face reddens and you can tell he was pissed.

"You, Mr. Mavis, just got yourself a front row seat in the principle's office due to lack of respect, the use of foul language, and for being late, therefore disrupting the class. Head to the front office. Now." He turns around and picks up the school phone, calling the principle to let him know that I'll be heading there shortly. The class is quiet as I sigh and grab my bag, leaving my seat and walking out the door without making a sound.

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