Chapter Seventeen - Soul Food

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"Do I really have to do this?" Whines Jacob, and for the fifteenth time today I want to hit him.

But sadly the alpha made it very clear yesterday that I can't touch him.

"Jacob." Scolds his mother who also seems to be tired of hearing her son complain.

Jacob sighs.

"I just don't understand why one of you guys can't go instead."

His mother rubs his back lovingly as she explains once more. "You know why, Jake. Your father and I have to stay here and watch over the pack as alphas. But don't worry, at any sign of danger just call for us in the mind link and we'll be on our way to save you."

Okay, wait, hold on a second; a mind link? Was that always a thing?

The wolf boy gives her an irritated glare and shoves her away.

"That didn't help when the creature was chasing me, or when he almost killed me." He barks out, pointing at me and causing me to roll my eyes. His mom looks at him guiltily.

"We were on our way when you told us to head back. We didn't know what was happening since you wouldn't exactly tell us, hun." Jacob glances at me as I quirk up an eyebrow in suspicion.

He told his parents not to come rescue him? But why?

He sighs and crosses his arms as he sits on a boulder behind him.

"Yeah, well, by then Danny convinced me not to, but I could've been dead in seconds if it wasn't for him." He runs a hand through his hair as he looks off towards the demon boy who's in the distance directing his assistants to put things here and there, although he's been doing that all morning.

We were supposed to be heading off to see the white witch, Penny, today but we decided to wait until evening since that's when most normal people decide to go to bars and it'll seem less suspicious.

Danny still hasn't eaten a soul, but the human in question is currently trapped inside an underground shelter that the alpha allowed him to use. Apparently he will be performing the soul eating ritual down there and away from everyone's eyes, since he said it's "very horrific and embarrassing." Definitely not what you typically hear everyday.

Of course I'm definitely going to watch, no matter what he wants.

I should probably feel bad for the guy whose soul he's going to be eating, but apparently he's a homicidal maniac who has brutally murdered three young girls, so I can't really find it in me to sympathize. In fact I'd probably just kill him myself.

The female alpha sighs and gives the werewolf boy another pat on the back before heading back inside to help Renee with her homework. Both Jacob and I are left by ourselves and it's definitely awkward.

What do you say to someone that you don't like?

Just as I think about getting up from the rock I'm siting on and heading back inside with the others, the brunette speaks up.

"It's crazy to think that he's a demon." He states, still staring at the redhead in question.

I nod.

"He's probably one of the kindest people I've ever met, and he's always so happy. It actually gets a bit annoying sometimes." He says as he looks to me, and I just hum before responding.

"A bit? I literally can't stand it." I stare bluntly before placing my hands in my pockets as Jacob eyes me curiously.

"You keep saying you don't like him, but we both know that's complete bullshit, Asher."

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