Chapter Thirty Five - Meet Your Maker

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You'd think that finding an extremely tall and beautiful woman with golden trinkets in her hair would be quite easy in a formal event like this, but unfortunately—

It isn't.

We've been wandering around for who even knows how long, and at this point I'm positive that she either didn't show up or somehow left early. We've rounded the gigantic ballrooms a million times while looking from person to person, and talked to so many creatures that all of their faces are starting to blur together. Not to mention that one too many women have tried to pick up Danny, and I've been outwardly groped by a few others.

Men included.

I think the reason why peoples' approaches towards us are so different is because of our starkly contrasting appearances, considering I look a bit more dark and promiscuous while he looks like an auburn haired prince from a modern fairytale.

What I don't understand, however, is why I'm the only one having to bare my fangs at disgusting men while Danny gives them a warning as he grips possessively onto my waist. Not that I mind having him close to me, but I'm seriously starting to wonder if I look like some kind of twink. This event is making me feel very self conscious with how short I am, especially when compared to most of the other males here.

Needless to say, Danny and I are pretty much stuck together like glue. If most of the guests here haven't clued in that we're a couple by now, then I don't know what else could help keep wandering hands away - and they really need to, since I can tell that it's really bothering the auburn-haired demon.

His jaw is clenched and his grip tight as he holds onto me, trying to smile politely as people make eye contact and pass by, but still glancing over at me every few seconds as though ensuring I'm still here and haven't somehow been taken or ravaged by another man. It's getting really fucking annoying.

I stop in my tracks - which in turn has him stopping as well - and I move his face to look at me. Puzzled, he stares down but doesn't say anything as he waits for me to speak. I sigh. "We can't keep doing this all night, you're going to get whiplash from having to look at me every two seconds." I tell him while smoothing out a part of his suit that crumpled up as it was crushed to my side, and quickly stop him before he tries to argue by shaking my head. "No —no arguing. You know I'm right. Maybe..." I trail off for a second, biting my lip as I look down at the floor, my shoulders sagging in defeat. "Maybe we should just give up for tonight. I don't... I don't think she's here."

Right as the words leave my mouth, a familiar voice speaks up from behind me, making my body jump, startled.

"Ah, ssso you are looking for sssomebody." A hiss  behind me says, and it's very clear who's talking.

Danny pales slightly as I whip around, staring at the snake creature standing in their unique suit. They blink at us boredly before sighing and waving their hand dismissively, twirling their martini in the other.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kick you out. It'd be too late for that anywaysss, sssince you've already been here for quite a few hoursss." They shrug, and flick their yellow eyes to Danny. "You're not where you belong, I sssee. You did ussse your parentsss invitation though, sssince that couldn't posssibly be a lie otherissse you wouldn't be in here. I heard you sssay you were looking for sssomeone... who?"

My heart beats rapidly as I search my mind for an excuse of some kind, but come up with nothing. I look to Danny helplessly, hoping that he'd save the day, but he only looks just as lost. Locking eyes with me, he seems to decide on something before sighing and facing the snake person in front of us. "We're looking for Asher's maker - she's an older vampire who goes by the name Ruby. Have you heard of her?"

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