Chapter Twenty Nine - And They Were Soulmates

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"Your curls are fucking beautiful."

The words slide out of my mouth unprompted, but I can't seem to care about what I just admitted as a warm blush appears over the ginger haired boy's cheeks. I'll definitely be hating myself later for what I've been saying over the past half an hour, but at the moment I'm too drunk to worry about it.

"Did you know you're made of actual sunshine? Like, shit, it's actually fucking unbelievable. You make me so mad, because you're just... I don't know, I can't really think right now." I snort, currently curled up in my seat as I speak to Danny, the boy sitting across from me as he's sat on the edge of his seat, his elbows propped on his knees and his head in his hands as he listens to my rambling. I'll definitely hate him later for listening so intently.

"Hm, is that really what you think, Asher?" He asks, smiling widely. I frown, knitting my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"Of-fucking-course it is. I think anyone does if they meet you, otherwise they don't know shit and should just die or something."

Danny laughs, finding my answer out of character for me and just overall very amusing.

"Why, thank you." He says, biting his lip as he continues to grin with his soft pink cheeks.

I huff.

"Don't do that thing." I warn, and his eyes widen.

"Thing?" He asks curiously.

I nod.

"Yeah, the lip biting thing. Don't do it."

He bites his lip again, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Why not?" He asks, and I shoot him a pointed look, glaring at him.

"Because it makes me want to kiss you."

His eyes widen, a blush making his face red as he smiles at me again.

"So I can't do this?" He says, going and biting his lip again, this time a bit more seductively. I squint, my hands gripping onto my knees tightly. I nod again.

"Exactly, you can't."

Danny hums, sitting up and leaning back.

"You're a bit different when you drink, Asher. More honest, I think."

I shrug, knowing this already.

"That's what I've been told. Although the last time I drank was at Jacob's, and that was just a fucking disaster." I say, grimacing. I hurriedly shoot up out of my seat, stumbling a bit as I lose my balance, but quickly righting myself before walking over and plopping into Danny's lap, the ginger haired boy peering down at me in surprise. "Luckily I have you now, so no more drunken murders."

I wrap my arms around his neck and just look at him, smiling. His smile is a bit more sad, but he gives me a nod in agreement.

"I'll always be here." He promises. His words have me grinning widely - the biggest smile I've had on my face in awhile - which could have also been caused by the lovely effects of alcohol.

"You know, you're fucking perfect." I tell him, knowing that my vocabulary has dwindled to where every sentence contains the word fucking. It's not that much different from when I'm sober, but now my cussing problem is even more evident.

Danny blushes at my words, looking away.

"You're drunk, Asher. Of course you think that." He replies shyly, and my smile immediately drops into a frown. I grab the boy's chin, forcing him to look at me. Our faces are very close, just barely an inch separating us.

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