Chapter Thirty Eight - Trial And Error

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I wake up surrounded by the scent of iron.

The sharp tangy taste of copper covers the entirety of my mouth, and I instantly notice that I'm full—

—which is a reason to panic.

Unfortunately the experience isn't unfamiliar, my mind racing back to the many times I attacked innocent people in my sleep. I sit up, looking down at my hands only to notice that they're covered in blood - both mine and someone else's - along with the rest of my outfit. My clothes are pretty wrecked, the items torn in some places and my blazer missing completely. All my jewelry from earlier has apparently disappeared, and the black of my shirt's only gotten darker with the large crimson stain.

But whose blood was it...?

My memory isn't giving away any answers, so instead I take a moment to assess my surroundings. It's cold and damp wherever I am, the sound of water trickling on old stones. I'm sat in the middle of what appears to be an old-looking cell in some kind of underground dungeon. There aren't any windows or lights, making a few details a little hazy but luckily still pretty visible thanks to my enhanced sight. I notice that the cell bars are red like the blades I've seen before, the same dreaded color of Drake's knives.

I grimace as I glance down at my stomach, remembering a bit of what happened before I passed out. My shirt is open to the last button, and I'm not surprised to see that another scar has been added to the collection, now fully healed but still covered in dried blood. I trace it with my fingers, still a little shocked that something could hurt me like that.

Fear creeps up my spine as I wonder where Danny is, considering I don't actually know how much time's passed since I blacked out, and there's the very real possibility that Danny could've been severely injured.

Now I really start to panic.

I don't know how long the two of us have been separated, but hopefully it hasn't been too long. The last thing I remember is the demon boy attacking the person who stabbed me before a voice, possibly belonging to Ruby, called out my name and blackness took me under.


I push myself up from the stone floor and onto my feet, glancing around the barren area in the hopes that there'd be someone else here who could answer my questions. I walk to the bars and wrap my hands around them, unsurprised to find them completely unmoving and very sturdy. Ahead of me is just a stone wall, but when I glance right and left there's a long hallway on each side, each one lined with prison cells identical to this one. There aren't any beds or toilets, and from the lack of any sounds, I'm willing to bet that there aren't any other prisoners either.

I can't help but think it's pretty strange that there aren't any guards, considering all the books and movies I've known throughout my life has always depicted gruff rude men guarding places like this to make sure nobody escapes. I mean it's not like I plan on trying anyways - not when I don't even know where I am, or why I'm here in the first place - but I'm disappointed since it means I can't get any answers.

The stone walls have me feeling more than a little curious though, as whoever is holding me should know that vampires can punch a hole through it pretty easily. I go to one of the walls and place my hand over it, smoothing my palm along the hard rock. However, as soon as I place even a little pressure, there's an immediate sense of intense burning. The pain causes me to yelp as I pull my appendage away quickly, hissing at the sting. Glancing from my reddened skin and back at the wall, I see some glowing letters lifted into the air, looking exactly like some kind of spell. If video games have taught me anything, it's that these walls are definitely enchanted to stop people like me from leaving.

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