Chapter Twelve - Team Jacob

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I hear my name being called.

"Asher please!"

Whoever it is, they're begging for something.

"Asher, please snap out of it!"

Who is it?

Who's calling me?

"I can't deal with you in this state right now, you have to come back! Asher, come on. Asher!"

With a jolt, my eyes snap open and I realize that Danny's currently holding me down, my fangs elongated and claws digging into his shoulder blades. He's staring into my eyes, and seems physically relieved to see that I've come to my senses.

"Thank God! For a second there I thought I was doomed! You went into survival mode; no time to explain. I don't know what happened, but whatever it is, we need to get away from here as soon as—"

His words were cut off by a loud demonic howl, and Danny's eyes widen in horror. "Shit." He curses, scrambling off of me and standing quickly, looking around to find the source of the noise.

Once I was free of the other boy's weight, I too frantically moved to stand. I look around at the wreckage around me, unable to believe that we managed to survive.

The car was completely totaled, and it seems as though everything was either crushed, torn, shattered, or set ablaze by a fire that had started in one unidentifiable area of the ruined vehicle. All of my blood bags had popped, and most (if not all) of the blood that had been sustaining me was now spilled onto the road. I felt myself become filled with sadness at the sight, what a huge waste.

My eyes fall to a bunch of metal that looked a bit like a cocoon, however there's a big hole in it's side, looking as though something (or someone) had torn and clawed right through it. Surprise hits me as I realize that it was me who did that, and I couldn't remember a thing.

As I was trying to recollect when I did it, a hand slams onto my shoulder and spins me around, causing me to become eye to eye with the demon boy whose face looks worried.

"We need to leave. Now." He stresses, my eyes flicking back over to the spilled blood bags and my wrecked belongings. Danny snaps his fingers in my face, causing me to look at him once more. He shakes his head as he says, "There's nothing left. I checked when I got myself out and was looking for you. My cell phone is cracked but it still works, so I can get everything replaced later. Luckily we're pretty close to the airport so I can either fly us there or you can flit us. It's your choice, but we need to leave now." His voice was filled with a sense of urgency and I quickly thought over the two options.  Flying made my stomach queasy, and even thinking about it made me tremble in fear. However I didn't know where the airport was and I would probably take us in the wrong direction.

With that decided, I took a shaky breath and motioned my head towards him. "You have to fly us, I don't know where the airport is."

Another howl pierced the desert's silence, this time much closer than before.  Nodding at my response, Danny scoops me up into his arms easily, nervously smiling at my flushed and startled face. "Sorry, it's the easiest way." He explains, then in the blink of an eye his wings protrude from his back and he stretches them out, preparing to fly. He has a look of concentration as he flaps them once, then twice, and soon I'm hit with a feeling of weightlessness as we lift off the ground. My stomach lurches as I see us go higher and higher, the back of my throat burning with nerves and the need to vomit.

Barely two feet off the ground, another howl is heard before a giant fluffy creature leaps up from the side of the mountain and slams into Danny and I, plunging us harshly back onto the road and landing with a harsh slap.

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