Chapter Ten - A Literal Monster Truck

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"I don't like chocolate milk, Danny." I stated blandly, irritated at how pushy he was being.

"But everyone likes chocolate milk! Come on, just give it a try." He whined, pushing his cup of brown liquid towards me from his side of the booth.

I rolled my eyes.

"I've had enough human food to last me for awhile, thanks." Once again rejecting his offer.

And it's true, over these last couple days I've had quite a bit of the snacks Danny put in his car despite my protests. I've told him plenty of times that I didn't need them and it was more important that he kept them to himself, however I've come to the realization that it's frustratingly hard to say no to the demon boy, and now I'm positive my immortal body couldn't handle being filled with anymore useless garbage. In fact, I can't remember drinking any of the blood bags we brought since the first day, which isn't a good sign and I could definitely feel the hunger creeping up on me.

I sigh as he looks at me again with those green eyes of his. I wasn't going to give in this time. "I'm just going to go back out to the car and grab a blood bag."  I finally say as I start to scoot out of the red 50's booth and stand to look at the little diner around me. My eyes catch the jukebox in the corner which was right underneath a giant Route 66 sign hung up on the wall, and I think about possibly playing something. I notice Danny's gaze following mine, and immediately his eyes light up. I groan, I definitely didn't want him getting any ideas. But, like the little happy go lucky kid he is, he leaps up out of his seat, abandons his chocolate milk and cheeseburger, and heads towards the glowing box. After watching him peer inside for a few seconds, I try to turn so I could go to the car, but of course his voice stops me.

"Asher!" He says brightly, calling out my name. I turn around to see him beaming, his hand motioning me to come closer. I groan once more.

"No, Danny, I need to go to the car. I can't do this right now." I state firmly, but as soon as the smile on his face falls I know I can't do what I want to. I scowl, clenching my teeth as I shove my hands in my pockets and stomp over to him. "Fuck, what exactly is so important?" I grumble.

Danny chuckles at my grumpy exterior as he flashes me a satisfied smile and points at the songs displayed inside the retro music machine.

"Choose one and I'll play it." He says, his eyes sparkling once more. I roll mine in response.

"I don't care, just play anything if you really want to." I say, not really caring about whatever song he decides to play or not. He shakes his head.

"No, you have to choose." He states firmly, clearly having decided that he won't budge until I do so. I huff irritably.


I clench my jaw, doing as I was told and pressing the buttons to flip through the pages until I spot an old classic that I used to enjoy a lot as a kid. "This one."

Danny's eyes widen as he starts to laugh. "Pretty ironic if you ask me." He says, continuing to chuckle as I frown at him in confusion. When he puts in the proper amount of coins and the music starts flowing through the speakers, I understand exactly what he meant.

You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise (oh yes you are)

Elvis' words hit me as I look at the being next to me who is obviously holding back his laughter, and I roll my eyes once more in annoyance.

"Ha-ha, very funny. I just like the song, I didn't do it on purpose or anything." I try to explain, but Danny just lets out a few chuckles as he looks at me.

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