Chapter Twenty Eight - Naked And Afraid

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So apparently entering or leaving Hell is always a bit of a gamble.

You never know where you're going to end up.

When Drake brought me to Hell, he was able to get to his domain pretty quickly because he's lived there for hundreds of years, therefore knowing all the ins and outs. Danny, on the other hand, had to be told where to go by the necromancer to even find me, otherwise he would've gotten completely lost.

And that's exactly how we ended up in this situation.

Just like how he would've gotten lost when he showed up in Hell, we're now incredibly disoriented back on the surface. We popped out somewhere, the problem is that we have no idea where and nobody seems to speak any English.

In other words, we're fucked.

Danny forgot to bring his cell phone with him, apparently having been so distracted to find me that he didn't think to grab it before leaving, which means we can't GPS or use any kind of translator, plus he can't contact any of his connections.

We're on our own.

Surprisingly he did have a little bit of cash in his pockets, but definitely not enough for anything besides maybe a coffee, and all of it's completely useless since they're US Dollars.

Which leads us to where we currently are, both sitting side by side on these concrete steps in front of some kind of glass structure in a park, having appeared here only a couple hours ago. Luckily there were a few visitors left - the park was about to be closed off to the public for the night - which allowed us to figure out that the native language is Spanish, however that information doesn't really help us, like, at all.

Not being natives of the language ourselves, plus just being completely clueless about maps and countries in general, we don't even know if we're in Spain, Peru, Brazil, or Mexico. We could be anywhere in the world, lost with only a couple of American dollars and the clothes on our backs. For me, a person who is currently only wearing a pair of very worn and bloodied black skinny jeans, the whole situation is downright mortifying. I hid in some bushes as Danny tried to talk to the locals, but overall it was a complete failure and we pretty much learned nothing. As the last few people filtered out, we ended up hiding on rooftops and doing whatever we can not to be spotted by any security that might've been patrolling the area.

How would we even explain ourselves, especially since we can't say it in their language?

I lie down on the step, resting my head on Danny's lap while staring at the stars. Before my trip to the Underworld, I wouldn't have even dared to do something like this, but being separated for so long and not knowing if I'd ever see him again, I figured out that I should just put my stubbornness aside and enjoy things while I can.

Danny's surprise is evident on his expression, but he doesn't say anything as he gives me a small smile before moving his hand up and placing it in my hair, stroking my locks gently and running his fingers through it every now and again. He starts to hum, and I recognize it as one of the songs I played in his car all that time ago.

Good to know my music taste has rubbed off on him.

I close my eyes with a sigh, relaxing completely despite the harsh, cold concrete pressing against the bare skin of my back. Most of my injuries have healed at this point, but I still feel that mental exhaustion from going through something so traumatic. I take in everything that I didn't really get to appreciate before I had to leave it all behind - the sound of nature as insects buzz and the breeze rustling the leaves in the warm air, the sound of a far off car driving on the late night streets. I can hear the water moving in front of us, an occasional splash from either a bird or a fish.

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