Chapter Thirty Six - I Fucked Up

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I down another shot, the taste bitter as it covers my tongue with the disgusting flavor of old brandy. I don't even let it register before grabbing another.

I'm pretty tipsy.

Alcohol doesn't get to vampires as easily as it does humans, but it does the job eventually. It won't last me very long, I can already feel my body healing itself as it tries to get rid of all the toxins I'm currently consuming. I don't let it, instead demanding another drink despite the slight slur in my speech.

I don't know how the fuck I'm still going, considering the amount of drinks we've already had, but I know one thing:

I'm going to fucking outdrink the old woman next to me, no matter what.

It's what she deserves.

I glance over and see my maker also looking a bit out of sorts, her smile widening as she sees my glare. Danny sits on my left, frowning at the whole situation.

A drinking contest wasn't planned, but it's what ended up happening.

Little did I know that she can actually hold her liquor, and we both challenged each other without even thinking about it.

And now, I might be losing... but I refuse to admit it.

Not after what she did.

About an hour prior...

"You... you know me?"

I'm tensed, frozen to the spot with shock. With everything that happened, it never crossed my mind that my maker might actually be aware that I exist. How could she? I was left to fend for myself, having to figure everything out at the age of 18 after I expected my life to end. Yet she's here, claiming that she knew.

She sighs. "Of course I know you, it's a bit impossible not to with the Link."


"Link?" I repeat out loud, confusion evident in my voice, not to mention expressed on my face. Danny grips my hand, surely feeling my swirling emotions.

"Yes," she nods, as if I should know this already, "You and I have a link to each other since I'm the one who created you. I can feel if you are nearby, or if you are hurt in some way." She glances to my chest, clearly searching for the scars that lie beneath the expensive cloth. Her gaze moves back to mine, a sadness visible in her inhuman eyes. "And from what I know, you were hurt very badly... I almost thought I wouldn't get to meet you."

I can feel my anger flare, my own red eyes surely glowing as I bare my fangs at her.

"You could've met me when you created me," I snarl, "But you just left! I woke up in that river bank alone, I was confused and... and scared." I choke, remembering just how terrified I was when the haze lifted and I realized I was crouched over a homeless man's remains, blood covering me completely and the taste of it inside my mouth.

At the time, I thought I'd died and gone to Hell.

Considering that I've been there, now I know that the comparison isn't even close, but it sure as hell isn't an experience I want to repeat.

She grimaces, looking regretful as my words echo between us. "I know it couldn't have been a pleasant experience, if mine was anything to go off of... I'm sorry I couldn't be there, but there were circumstances—"

"Circumstances? Oh, that's fucking rich. Why turn someone into a vampire if you can't even be there to help them?!" I snarl again, enraged with what this woman is saying. She shakes her head, clearly frustrated with how this conversation is going.

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