Chapter Two - Demons Don't Volunteer

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Today goes just like usual, with the same people, the same classes, and the same dread. I really thought that becoming one of the undead might actually make me feel more alive, maybe even make a huge difference in my life. However, it just ended up being a huge pain in the ass. Anytime someone got a cut, or I can see blood close to the skin's surface, I feel unbearably hungry. It's not as though I can't control myself, since I make sure to drink enough from animals, but it's still massively painful. And this pretty much happens everyday. Getting used to things like that just added to the many reasons why I feel like I shouldn't be alive.

So far, I haven't had to deal with anything like being deathly allergic to garlic or turning into a bat or anything. Holy water and crosses don't seem to affect me, otherwise I'd probably be hissing anytime I saw the letter t in any of my textbooks or homework assignments. Speaking of, I don't really see the point in me being in school and passing these classes, since I'm not really human and I don't seem to be aging. In the past year, I haven't changed at all besides the obvious switch from human to vampire. Nobody seems to have realized, but that's probably because almost everyone I used to know has already graduated.

See, I was supposed to graduate last year, but because of my depression I lost all motivation to do any of my assignments or even show up to class. Then the whole vampire thing happened and I kind of had to figure that out. In the end I wasn't able to graduate with my class and had to be held back. So now I'm the emo loser who wasn't smart enough to graduate. That's when Matt appeared and started picking on me. He's not much of a problem, considering I'm an actual creature of darkness, but he does become quite a nuisance when he pulls things like what he did yesterday.

In all honesty, the only reason I'm still in school is because I have absolutely no idea what else I'm supposed to be doing. Living a lonely life on the road and sucking the lives out of any poor people I happen to come by doesn't actually sound all that appealing. So I'll try my best to graduate, and then maybe talk to my parents and see what they have to say. If only I could actually kill myself, these problems wouldn't even be an issue.

As I'm thinking about this, I'm about to walk out of school to head home. The day went by very quickly, as everyday seems to. It's like now that I know I'm not going anywhere, I'm not so hung up on time. It's still boring though, considering I have practically nothing to do the entire day besides go on my phone and listen to teachers talk about the same things I heard a year ago. I sigh as I walk down the school's front steps, heading towards my mother's car. I can hear NOFX blasting through the speakers from here, and I'm not even close. Even though that could just be because of my enhanced senses, I remember I used to be able to hear it back when I was human too. Before I can even step into the parking lot however, I'm being shoved harshly, pain exploding in my shoulder as whoever this dipshit is and I go crashing to the ground. Groaning in shock and pain, I feel the other person scrambling to get off of me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I hear behind me, and instantly I realize that the voice sounds familiar. When I turn around and see who it was that slammed into me, I instantly grit my teeth in annoyance.

The ginger haired boy from the day before is spouting apologies until he sees who I am, then instantly his face goes sour and he shuts his mouth. Scowling, he gathers his things that appear to have fallen out of his backpack (he was probably putting something inside, which was the reason he slammed in to me I guessed), saying a short and curt "Sorry" before he quickly turns away from me and starts running towards a sleek black car that looks incredibly expensive.

I irritably adjust my clothing, placing everything back to how they were and fixing my bag so the strap is placed back up on my shoulder. As I get to my mother's car I can see a wide grin on her face, letting me know that she witnessed everything.

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