Chapter Forty - Not The Face

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My first thought was: Oh fuck, IHOP's totally going to sue us.

But then I put that out of my mind completely since there's more important things to worry about; such as my soulmate and his evil brother - AKA the biggest douchebag in existence - battling while flying through the sky, a place where literally anyone can see them and I have absolutely no way to help.

I'm basically useless right now.

Drake's car is wrecked as it sits in it's parking spot, completely smashed in from when Drake dodged Danny's flying punch, his fist connecting with the vehicle instead. I can't say I wasn't pleased with the result, as the older demon's anguished cry over his car gave me immense happiness. In return, however, he somehow summoned a wall of fire and shot it towards my soulmate. Danny moved quickly enough to get away, but it left the poor IHOP as the victim to the demon's sudden attack.

Danny looked as though it were his hopes and dreams that caught fire, and I would've laughed if the situation weren't so serious.

What the fuck is that asshole even doing here?

"That's it—" Danny exclaimed, Drake's satisfied smirk slipping away as the demon boy charged at him once again. The man's wings appeared out of nowhere and he jet up into the sky, Danny not hesitating for even a second before doing the same.

And that's how they got up there, leaving me alone on the ground as I nervously watch the two battle it out.

I glance behind me and notice the employees scrambling through the back exit of the restaurant, all of them crouched low and coughing the smoke from their lungs. Luckily they're not paying attention to the sky above them, but it's only a matter of time before they catch sight of the half-brothers.

I don't call out to the demons like I want to, in fear of attracting unwanted attention.

"You can't hit me." Drake laughs, dodging one of Danny's punches yet again. So far it's been a long game of Danny punching and Drake dodging, but the cycle will have to end eventually, and hopefully soon. 

The ginger haired boy snarls. "Watch me."

Okay, I gotta admit that's pretty hot.

He throws another punch, barely missing the other demon and grazing his cheekbone. The older man scowls, not having expected a hit to come so close.

"TskThis isn't what I came for—" He huffs, grabbing Danny's outstretched arm before he can pull it back, gripping on tightly.

I can hear them pretty clearly despite being so far away, but I keep having to glance at the IHOP employees. Taking a breath, I come up with a dumb plan and quickly run behind the building in the opposite direction of where the two idiots are located, hoping that whatever is going on can be dealt with before a firetruck gets here.

Waving my arms, I call out to the humans standing and staring at their burning workplace. "Hey! Are you guys alright?" They all turn to me in surprise, probably all in some state of shock. "I was eating in there a second ago and barely reached my car when I saw the place go up in flames— I had to make sure everyone was okay!" I explain, as if they really care.

An older man, probably one of the chefs, appears completely stunned with the situation. "I don't understand what could've caused it, it's like the fire came from outside!"

I pretend to look shocked. "Really? That's so weird! Are you sure it didn't happen from a grease fire or something?"

Another man steps forward, shaking his head. "No, I saw it - it was like a wave of fire! It came at us from the front entrance." He explains, sounding terrified. A woman to his right scoffs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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