Chapter Eight - Demons Love Sprinkles

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"Turn the fucking car around."

Danny rolls his eyes as he switches lanes, doing as I say and heading back where we came from.

"Asher," he starts, and I glare at him. "I really don't think this is a good idea." He says. I scowl.

"If I have to hear your growling stomach one more time, I'm actually going to kill you." I state, irritated that I've had to listen to it for the past 45 minutes.
Danny chuckles.

"It's just until we get to our destination, I have snacks in the car." He says innocently as he shoots a smile in my direction. I ignore him.

"You obviously need an actual meal because the fucking snacks aren't working. So now you're driving to the Denny's we passed whether you like it or not." I snap, my point proven by another pleading growl coming from the demon's starving belly. It was incredibly loud to my hyper-sensitive ears, and I was done listening to it. He was eating or I was murdering him. It was his choice.

"Okay grumpy pants, I'm parking now, aren't I?" I looked up at the sign and noticed that this was not where I said to go, but rather an IHOP.

"This isn't Denny's." I point out as he smiles innocently.

"I wanted pancakes." He shrugs, and I feel my already spilling irritation build up further as I give him a scathing look.

"This better be enough for your stomach or I swear I will hit you." At this he gives me another one of his bright smiles, excitement clear on his face. I just can't believe how excited he is over pancakes. I roll my eyes as he gets out of the car, refusing to look at him as I stew in my own bubble of annoyance. After a few seconds, I realize he never closed his door. I look over at him. "What?" I snap.

Of course, he pouts. He actually pouts, making the puppy dog look and everything. What a dick.

"You're not coming in with me?" He asks, sadness in his eyes as he looks at me. No, I'm not going to fall for it.

"Go eat your damn pancakes by yourself. I'll wait in here." I say, not wanting to move an inch. He just continues to give me that same kicked puppy look of his.

Damn him.

"But I don't want to go alone." He sounds heartbroken, like he really cared about being alone in a restaurant.

Fuck this.

I throw up my hands, giving in.

"Fuck you." I say as I point at him accusingly. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the the car door, climbing out of the vehicle and slamming it behind me. Danny locks it as he practically skips over to my side. I stick my hands in my pockets and pretty much drag myself towards the front entrance of the pancake house. Danny's orange fluffy hair bounces beside me, his tall frame unable to be completely ignored.

When we get inside we're greeted by a middle aged woman who fits into the older waitress stereotype. I feel like every IHOP has that one employee who's overly motherly to every young customer for no reason whatsoever. Danny and her chat animatedly about whatever it is they're talking about, both all smiles and pleasantries as I slide into our booth and stay as silent as I can. We both order a water and she finally leaves us, then Danny turns to me.

"She's nice." He says happily, and I just give him a bland look.

"Yeah. That's her job." I say, and he just scoffs.

"Not everyone is nice to their customers, you know. I appreciate the kindness." He smiles once more and looks down at his menu. A second later he knows what he wants and he places his attention on me again. "Are you getting anything?" He asks, surprising me. I give him a look.

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