Chapter Twenty Five - Highway To Hell

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My blunt refusal hangs in the air between us as we sit in the car, my arms crossed as I glare at the dashboard in front of us. Danny sighs before turning to me.

"Asher." He says, that one word holding more meaning than just my name.

But I won't give in.

"No."  I grit out, huffing as I sink further into the seat, stubbornly refusing to do what he wants.


I shoot him a scathing look before flicking my eyes to the abandoned building in front of us and scowling.

"Fuck no." I rephrase, hoping that by adding profanity it will make it clear to him that I'm not, in any way, shape, or form, going near the creepy-ass building in front of us. I refuse.

"Asher, do you want to find your maker or not?" He asks and I don't have to look at him to know he's got on his innocent pleading face on - which really shouldn't work on me since I literally saw him eat some guy's organs, but for some reason it always does. My right eye twitches from how much self control it's taking me not to look in his direction. One look and I'll give in, I just know it.


I realize I didn't answer him and huff.

"Of course I want to fucking find her, but walking into some creepy shit-hole like that isn't going to do anything. I say we stay here and see if she comes out - if she doesn't, she's dead and we can leave." I state simply, knowing I'm being a bit unreasonable but honestly terrified of walking in that abandoned aquarium.

"You know vampires don't die." He sighs, making me roll my eyes and shoot him a glare.

"Yeah, but we can still get hurt and end up in some kind of freaky death-coma." I point out, making him look at me in surprise.

"Don't you want to die?" He inquires, and I immediately turn away from him. I just know I'm blushing a bit.

"Not right this second, no. Recently the feeling's kind of subsided, so I'd really like to enjoy this while I can and maybe not die in the process, thanks." I say sarcastically, looking out the passenger window so I don't have to face him - God, he's probably smiling like an idiot right now.

"Oh really?" He asks curiously, and I know for a fact that he's being a smug bastard.

I refuse to look at him and give in.

"You heard me." I grumble, not wanting to talk about it.

He hums.

"Well, you know what would make you feel even better? Finding your maker and getting some answers." He responds as if I didn't already know that.

God, I hate him.

"Once again, it wouldn't matter if we fucking die."

He laughs as he shakes his head, moving to open the door.

"We're not going to die, stop being so dramatic. Come on, just get out of the car already."

I catch his arm and stop him, causing him to look at me in surprise. I look at him nervously.

"Why would she even be here?" I ask, the concern and fear apparent in my voice. His face softens at my expression and apparent anxiety as he gives me a small smile in reassurance.

"It's known as a kind of attraction of sorts - don't worry, I swear I won't let anything happen." He says, my heart fluttering before I snatch my hand away irritably.

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