Chapter Three - Valentine's Day Bites

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I suddenly hear the sound of loud punk music through my AirPods, and instantly know my parents are awake. Checking the time, I see that it's currently 7:00 am. Sighing and shaking my head, I take out the AirPods and get up from my bed, heading to my wardrobe to pick out yet another drab black shirt and a black hoodie.

I don't wear many colors anymore, as they all seem to not reflect my mood properly and just give me a headache. The color red is an especially bad idea because just looking at it makes me hungry. It's like when you see a coca-cola commercial and the thought of that ice cold drink being in your hands and sliding down your throat makes you thirsty and causes you to wish that you had one. For me, the same thing goes for the color red. I used to love horror movies, but these days I can't seem to watch one without feeling incredibly parched. Pretty messed up, I know.

Constantly having blood on the brain is just a side effect of being a creature of the night, I suppose. Honestly it's such a hassle, I can't understand why anyone would have fantasies about it. But with one google search, I can tell that there are many others who would gladly switch lives with me. Little do they know, that I would switch with them in a heartbeat just so I could stop mine forever.

With my clean outfit on and having slid into my checkered vans, I hear giggling float up the stairs from the kitchen, and I cringe at the thought of my parents being gross as usual. Sighing, I open my door and slink down the stairs only to look up and see my parents making out. I knew it, I think, sliding past them silently as I grab a piece of toast my mother has sitting behind her on a plate. It's quite a feat for me, considering I have to weave my way through since my mom and her wife are pressed against the metal, making out heavily. I scrunch my nose up, still grossed out at the fact that they are so shameless in their PDA, especially in front of their son.

Making an ugh sound, I turn and grab my backpack from beside the front door, turning the knob and opening it before stepping out. There's a sick smacking sound as the two of them disconnect their lips, my mother breathlessly calling out a goodbye to me as I close the door. Even with the door shut, I can tell they went right back to what they were doing before I appeared. They wouldn't miss me, I think miserably. And the sad thing is, is that this thought is most likely true. They'd probably be temporarily upset that their only son is gone, but overall they'd get over it and most likely even feel glad that they now only had themselves to worry about, using up all the new free time they had since they wouldn't have my presence constantly cockblocking them. (Actually, is it still called cockblocking even when there aren't any cocks? I wanna know.)

My parents didn't call and check up on me anymore like other parents seem to do for their kids, in fact I can't even remember when we last had a proper conversation. I don't think they even notice there's anything wrong with me, or that I don't age or eat. I steal food from time to time, either to not raise any suspicions or just to have some because it tastes good. Food never sits well with me though, which is why I immediately throw away the piece of toast I'm holding in the trash can in front of the school steps. Running a tired hand through my hair, I adjust my backpack and slowly trudge up the concrete stairs, a few stray students hanging outside smoking or just waiting for the first bell to ring and glancing at me before quickly looking away. A few of the faces look familiar, since I'd been friends with a couple at some point. However my depression changed all of that.

I wasn't supposed to see all these faces again, I remind myself bitterly. I don't want the looks, the pity, the sadness. That night was supposed to be The End. The end all, be all. I was going to be found in the river, the whole town talking about me as the kid who killed himself, about how I used to be so popular and funny and cool but how over time I changed. I didn't really want all the attention from that, I just wanted to die, but it would've been inevitable. Due to unfortunate circumstances though, I'm still here, unable to die and facing the last people I know who still go to this school. And just as I'm about to reach the top, one of those familiar faces pop right into view.

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