Chapter Eleven - Aviophobia

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After waiting for what felt like a while, Danny finally appeared and climbed into the driver's side next to me.

"What the hell took you so long?" I asked, annoyed. Danny gave me a bright smile in return which only irritated me further.

"You're not going to believe this, but they actually know where she's headed from here! They talked to her about her car and offered to buy it from her, but she said she needed it because she's taking a long trip. She's headed to Melbourne, Asher!" He explained, face lighting up with excitement as he places his hand on my shoulder and shakes me. I search his face to see if he's making anything up, but find that he is completely serious. I purse my lips.

"Danny..." I start, causing his smile to fall slightly.

"What? What's wrong?" He questions, obviously not understanding what the problem was.

I sigh.

"Do you know where Melbourne is?" I give him a look, expecting him to not know, because if he did there was no way he should be so excited. But to my surprise, he nods his head.

"Yeah, of course I know where Melbourne is. I'm not stupid, Asher. Is that what the problem is? You don't want to leave the country?" He inquires, completely turned towards me with a concerned expression on his face. I look away from him as I press my lips together in a tight line, my hands intertwined and resting on my stomach as I lay back in my seat. I didn't like where this conversation was going.

"Asher." Danny said, wanting an answer.

Slowly I nod my head. Danny releases a surprised breath and places a hand on my seat, leaning forwards slightly to really get a look at my face since I was looking away from him.  This just causes me to turn away from him even further.

"Is it a passport you're worried about? Because my connections can get us on a plane with no problem. Or is it just leaving the country in general? Because if you really think about it, almost every state here in America are kind of like different countries, so it's pretty much the same thing. And we're only going to Australia, they speak English there! I mean, sure they have accents, but it's not like they're hard to understand or anything. You know, I think they're pretty cool actually—"

"Danny!" I shouted, finally facing him so he would stop talking. "I just don't want to leave the country, okay? Now shut up."

The demon boy clamps his mouth shut and I turn away from him once more so he can't read my expression. I don't want him to know what I'm thinking because he'll probably just laugh at me.

We sit in silence for a couple minutes and I cross my arms as I can practically hear his mind working to figure out why I was so against the idea.

Then, suddenly, he gasps.

"Oh, I think I get it!" He exclaims happily.

I groan, bunching up my shoulders and bringing up my feet as I bend my knees towards my body, completely pressing myself into the seat. I really hope he didn't guess it right.

"Are you afraid of planes?" He asks, confident in his guess.

Well, seems like my hope was for nothing.

I didn't want to lie since I'm not exactly good at it, so I just sat there without saying anything. 

"Wait, seriously?"

He sounds surprised that he was correct despite how sure he was a second ago. I once again don't respond, keeping my arms crossed and my body turned away from him, bundled into a ball. "Asher," He says, clearly bewildered by my reaction, "you know there's nothing wrong with being afraid of planes right? Although it is a bit irrational since we're both kind of immortal beings and you can only die through specific methods so—"

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